Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Introduction to History Topic Reschech Paper

Introduction to History Topic Reschech PaperThere is much discussion of the history of Europe, but how many people are aware that it was not until the 1400s-1850s that most academic historians began to draw a line between various political, military and social forces that had dominated the Continent for centuries? In many ways, the study of the historical record is relatively new.The experts at one time turned to a range of methods to trace back the past: archaeology, written sources, traditional ways of measurement, particularly the compass and scales used in ancient times. But now we are learning that the method of most use before the middle of the 20th century, called chronology, actually served to diminish the accuracy of our knowledge of past events. As more time is spent in the study of the past through methods other than chronology, the exact date and origin of events become less certain.The research of history has a knack for these simple things. The research of history can b e one of the most boring parts of the whole process. The reference book does have facts and figures to fill pages with data, but the challenge is to make it appear as interesting as possible. You need to make it appeal to the emotions and bring in the curiosity.It is a tremendous need for the historian to know and understand how to create a subject so that the reader will be engaged in the flow of the narrative. It is an art form, as far as I am concerned. It does require a fair amount of creativity and motivation. Unfortunately, many of us are not blessed with an enormous amount of natural talent, so we must employ creative minds to create and illustrate an event in detail and explain what happened from beginning to end.The phrase 'discovery' is perhaps the most important. It represents the discovery of knowledge. Most of us are familiar with this concept. We see it demonstrated all the time on the television as well as in the news.You want to try to use different sources to draw d ifferent results. When people use the word 'discovery,' they mean that there is a new fact discovered. Not just one thing, but a whole host of new facts that can be pieced together to form a fuller picture.A short story is a good example of discovery. If you want to do a historical research paper, you might use a short story or related material to illustrate the event or situation being researched. You can call it a history of the movie 'Chariots of Fire.'You can draw on specific instances that occurred in time in order to illustrate the influence of a group or a single individual. This can be done to great effect in a writing assignment. It is really just a matter of skill and desire.

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