Saturday, February 15, 2020

Gay marrige Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Gay marrige - Essay Example government and the US voters have a â€Å"reasonable justification for denying same-sex marriage, such as promoting healthier families, or if the bans reflect discrimination and hatred† (Sage). Sage runs down the various arguments and criticisms on the gay marriage issue by citing events which have unfolded since the passage of Proposition 8 and the events that has unfolded since. She also used quoted statements from government officials and other experts on the subject matter in order to comprehensively present the current issue. Sage begins her article by making a clear statement about the fact that gays and lesbians in California do have sufficient political support for their cause – from their Governor to the entire Democratic Party. From this initial statement alone, Sage establishes a serious and formal tone in her essay. This is a good way to capture the reader’s interest because it catches the attention of those who oppose and those who advocate gay marriage in California. From the onset, the opening statement shows the status of the hearing on Proposition 8 and it reveals undeniable truths for both interest groups in this paper. Both sides cannot deny that the Governor and the Democrat Party is indeed politically supportive of gay marriage and gay rights in California. Hence, the statement draws in opponents and advocates alike who have a clear stake on the resolution of the gay marriage issue. Moreover, this opening statement by Sage is used as information for the first point that the author wants to make in the current issue – that there is no discrimination of gay and lesbian rights with the approval of Proposition 8. The formal tone used by the author is very much appropriate for this paper because the topic calls for a serious discussion on the subject matter. Considering the fact that gay marriage is a very controversial issue, the author has given the topic a very respectful and formal tone in order for the reader to take the topic

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nelson Mandela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nelson Mandela - Essay Example These conditions kept on prevailing until in 1911 the Mines and Works Act stated that the Black workers could not be engaged as cheap semi-skilled laborers and this prohibited Black workers from seeking skilled work. In 1914 the National Party (NP) under General Hertzog made the law that the right to vote belonged to White and was not extended to Blacks. In coming years Blacks were deprived of the right to own their lands. The years went by and Blacks were subjected to discrimination by the Whites. Encyclopedia of Britannica describes apartheid as, policy that governed relations between South Africas white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites. It was in 1948 when the apartheid law was introduced which prohibited marriage of White and Non-White marriages and sanctioned White only jobs. The population was classified into White, Black and Colored. The Blacks had to carry pass books all the time containing their fingerprints, photos and information to access Non Black areas. There was discrimination in education, medical care and public services, and Blacks were always considered inferior to Whites. In 1951 the Bantu Authorities act established homelands for Blacks, their own lands were divided into separate homelands in which they had to live and in order to travel to another homeland they needed a passport, thus in other words they became alien to their own country. Whosoever did not abide by the law were subjected to injustices. Severe penalties were enforced on people and they were put in prison where brutal torture killed them. The statistics below show the result of apartheid law policies; It was through these hard times when a man rose up from between to combat these terrible practices of apartheid. Nelson Mandela was born on 28th July 1918, and dedicated his life to