Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Commonly Confused Words Board and Bored

The words board and bored are homophones: they sound the same but have different meanings. Definitions The noun board refers to a piece of sawed lumber, a flat piece of material (such as a chalkboard), or a table spread with a meal. Board can also mean a group of persons having managerial or advisory responsibilities (such as a board of directors). As a verb, board (up) means to cover with boards or to enter. Bored is the past tense of the verb bore, which means  to dig or to cause or feel boredom. This word pair is like hopping and hoping in that the two words are close to the same in spelling. However, board and bored are homophones and hopping and hoping are pronounced differently. Also see the idiom alerts below. Examples Wilbur walked up to the fence and saw that the goose was right--one board was loose. He put his head down, shut his eyes, and pushed. The board gave way.(E.B. White, Charlottes Web, 1952)On the third day, Winston went into the vestibule of the Records Department to look at the notice board.(George Orwell,  Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1949)If you use coins to board a bus and need to transfer to another line, request a free transfer slip.In 1953 the house was vacated entirely; nobody even bothered to cover the furniture or  board the windows  and doors.(April L. Ford, The Poor Children. Sante Fe Writers Project, 2012)With an auger, he bored a hole through the slab, down past the cross-beam. Idiom Alerts The expression above board means honest, open, legitimate.The rules are meant to crack down on tax avoidance by multinational companies and ensure that they are  above-board  in how they account for their taxes around the world.(Raphael Minder, Spanish Companys Moves in Ireland Hit Tax and Political Hot Buttons. The New York Times, November 2, 2015)The expression on board means on or in a ship, train, or other form of transportation. On board also means in agreement or part of a team or group.- Every one of them stared at me when I climbed  on board the bus, and not with a kind look either.(Ellen Airgood, Prairie Evers. Penguin, 2012)- Sharon sensed that the social work staff  was on board with  the new program, but the nurses seemed more anxious, thinking of patients who were not responsive, who had to be completely cared for and were not able to make decisions or choices.(Terry A. Wolfer and Vicki M. Runnion,  Dying, Death, and Bereavement in Social Work Practice. Colum bia University Press, 2008)The expression bored to tears means to be (or to make someone) very bored. The expressions bored silly, bored stiff, bored to death, bored to distraction, and bored out of ones mind all have essentially the same meaning of being extremely bored.- Although we all try to predict or anticipate what will happen next (in literature, as well as in life), if we were actually able to accomplish this, wed be  bored to tears, uninterested in the eventual outcome.(Stephanie Stiles,  From Huh? to Hurray!: Righting Your Creative Writing. University Press of America, 2010)-  I think Antonio was bored to death, but he pretended to pay attention.(Lorna Barrett, Sentenced to Death, 2011)- I wasnt exactly in the habit of doing crosswords, but I was getting a little desperate for entertainment.  After five days in Lake Phoenix, I was officially  bored out of my mind. And the worst part was that in this situation, unlike family vacations or Gelseys dance recitals, I couldnt complain to anyone that I was  bored out of my mind  and know they were feeling the same way.(Morgan Matson,  Second Chance Summer. Simon Schuster, 2012) Practice (a) Some form of identification is needed to _____ a plane or gain access to a computer network. (b) A chisel can split a _____ lengthwise but not across the grain. (c) Children have a way of getting into trouble when theyre _____. Answers (a) Some form of identification is needed to  board  a plane or gain access to a computer network.(b) A chisel can split a  board  lengthwise but not across the grain.(c) Children have a way of getting into trouble when theyre  bored.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Math Midterm Essay - 1003 Words

Deterministic techniques assume that no uncertain exists in model parameters. A: True An inspector correctly identifies 90% of the time. For the next 10 products, the probability that he makes fewer than 2 incorrect inspections is .736. A: Use Binomial table to discover , add 3 probabilities for 0,1,2 A continuous random variable may assume only integer values within a given interval. A: False A decision tree is a diagram consisting of circles decision nodes, square probability nodes and branches. A: False A table of random numbers must be normally distributed and efficiently generated A: False Simulation results will always equal analytical results if 30 trials of the simulation have been conducted. A: False Data cannot†¦show more content†¦A: .01 Coefficient of determination is the percentage of the variation in the _ variable that results from the _ variable. A: Dependent/independent In exponential smoothing the closer alpha is to _ the greater the reaction to the most recent demand. A: _ is a linear regression model relating demand to time. A: linear trend _ is a measure of the strength of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. A: Double check definition possibly coefficient of determination or correlation Consider the following graph of sales: which of the following characteristics is exhibited by the data: A: trend plus seasonal Which of the follow characteristics is exhibited by the data A: None of the above _ is the difference between the forecast and actual demand A: forecast error Given the following data on number of pints of ice cream sold at a local ice cream store for a 6 month period time frame: If the forecast for period 5 is equal to 275 use exponential smoothing a to compute a forecast period 7. THe Drying rate in an industrial process is dependent on many factors and varies according to the following distribution. Compute the drying time. Use two places after the decimal. A: takes values of variable and multiply with the relative frequency then add them up to get answer. Life insurance company †¦. With a mean of 68 years and a standard deviation of 4 years. What proportion of the plan recipients would receive payments beyond age 75?Show MoreRelatedThe Dark And Despair Of A Math Midterm-1724 Words   |  7 Pages Veronica had clawed her way out of the dark and despair of a math midterm- she deserved a few minutes of after-school peace with her dog and the pacific ocean, she thought. It’s unfathomable that some people don’t have access to the beach. Her mind conjured up one of her worst conscious nightmares- her, older, married with brats, living in some midwestern state where beaches were things of myth and corn was all but currency. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nursing Health Assessment Free Essays

DE LA SALLE HEALTH SCIENCES INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF NURSING AND SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY CITY OF DASMARINAS, CAVITE NURSING HEALTH ASSESSMENT Submitted by: Andrea Antonette D. Balboa Submitted to: Rowena Cepeda-Laigo, RN, MAEd NURSING HEALTH ASSESSMENT I. Status Post Caesarean Section II. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Health Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now HEALTH HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A. Demographic (Biographical Data) Client’s initials: R. R. P. Gender: Female Age, Birthdate and Birthplace: 34, 10/21/1978, Muntinlupa Marital (Civil) Status: Married Nationality: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Address and Telephone Number: Blk 5 Lot 54 Greengate Imus Cavite Educational Background: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Occupation (usual and present): Encoder Usual Source of Medical Care: PhilHealth Date of Admission: 01/08/2013 B. Source and Reliability of Information The patient was competent to provide information. She was able to speak clearly; conscious and coherent; oriented to time, place and person. The patient’s chart was also included as a secondary source of information C. Reasons for Seeking Care 1. â€Å"Inadequate size of pelvis† 2. â€Å"Scheduled for caesarean section† D. History of Present Health The expected date of the delivery was January 8, 2013, 8:00AM at St. Paul Hospital. It was a scheduled caesarean section of the patient; not in labor. The patient was calm since it was her second time to deliver a fetus through caesarean section. There were no signs and symptoms of labor happened. The patient foresees to stop adding a family member because they already have a son and a daughter. E. Past Medical History or Past Health a. Pediatric / Childhood / Adult Illnesses The patient did not have any pediatric, childhood or adult illnesses. b. Injuries or Accidents The patient did not have any injuries or accidents. c. Hospitalization and Operations The patient had a caesarean section last 2006, 2007 and 2013. d. Reproductive History The patient had her menarche at the age of 12. Her last menstrual period was April 27, 2012. Her menstrual cycle was 28 days and her menstrual duration was 3 to 4 days. Her obstetric score was G3P2 T2P0A1L2M0. e. Immunization BCG: /? / At Birth /? / School Entrance DPT: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose OPV: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose AMV: /? / TT: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose /? 4th dose /? / 5th dose HBV: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose Others: None f. Allergies /? / Food, (please specify): Shrimp / / Drugs or medications, (please specify): None / / Chemicals, (please specify): None / / Other environmental allergens, (please specify): None The patient has an allergy in shrimps. The patient experiences hives as an allergic reaction and applies an anti-allergy prescribed by her dermatologist to alleviate the manifestation. g. Medications None G. Socio-Economic History FAMILY MEMBER /RELATIONSHIP TOPATIENT| OCCUPATION /SOURCE OF INCOME| MONTHLY INCOME| R. R. P. | Encoder| P22,000. 00| The patient works as an encoder. The monthly income of P22,000. 00 can only support the basic needs of the family but not particularly of members’ health. It will be not enough and budgeted exclusively for the necessities of the family. H. Psychosocial Assessment Patient’s Age: 34 years old Developmental Stage: Young Adulthood Developmental Task: Intimacy vs Isolation Occurring in young adulthood, we begin to share ourselves more intimately with others. We explore relationships leading toward longer term commitments with someone other than a family member. Successful completion can lead to comfortable relationships and a sense of commitment, safety, and care within a relationship. Avoiding intimacy, fearing commitment and relationships can lead to isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression. Patient met the developmental task of being in an intimate relationship with her partner. They are married and have 2 kids. I. Functional Assessment 1. Health-Perception-Health Management Pattern The patient’s description of her current health was weak and difficult to get pregnant. The activities that the patient does to improve or maintain his health was to not get over time in work. Patient’s knowledge about links between lifestyle choices and health was not answered. The extent of patient’s problem on financing health care was hopefully the budget will fit. Patient has the knowledge of the names of current medications she was taking and their purpose. Activities that the patient does to prevent problems related to allergies was to apply an anti-allergy prescribed from her dermatologist. Patient has the knowledge about medical problems in the family. There were no important illnesses or injuries in the patient’s life. 2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern The patient’s nourishment was to eat fruits and vegetable. Patient’s food choices in comparison with recommended food intake were not answered. The patient has no any disease that affects nutritional-metabolic function. 3. Elimination Pattern The patient’s excretory pattern was constipated. The patient has no any disease of the digestive system, urinary system or skin. 4. Activity-Exercise Pattern The patient’s description of his weekly pattern of activities, leisure, exercise and recreation was to eat outside and considers it as a family bonding. The patient has no any disease that affects his cardio-respiratory and/or Muscoskeletal systems. 5. Sleep-Rest Pattern The description of the patient’s sleep-wake cycle was completed of 8 hours. Patient’s physical appearance was relaxed. 6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern The patient has sensory deficit of astigmatism and was not corrected. Patient’s has the ability to express herself clearly and logically. Patient’s education was bachelor’s degree of computer science. The patient has no any disease that affects mental or sensory function. Patient’s pain description was of abdominal because of surgical procedure of caesarean section. 7. Self-Perception-Self Concept Pattern There was no unusual about the person’s appearance. The patient was comfortable with her appearance, simple but comfortable. Description of the patient’s feeling state was happy, comfortable because she already has a baby boy and a girl. She was worried about their financial needs because of the added family member. 8. Role Relationship Pattern Patient’s description of his various roles in life was to be a responsible mother. Positive role model of her roles was her mother, to save for family but she is more of disciplinarian than her mother. Important relationships at present were her family. There were no big changes in role or relationship. . Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern Patient’s satisfaction with her situation related to sexuality was good. If both of them were tired, they don’t do sexual intercourse. The patient’s plans and experiences did not matched regarding having children because everything changed and she was more matured than before. 10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern Patient’s means/actions of coping with problems were there must be a goal for her to achieve. Coping actions help even though the goal was partially met as long as it was met. Eat, sleep and hang out were treatments/therapies for emotional distress. 1. Value-Belief Pattern Principles that the patient learned as a child which are still important to her was she does not want shortage, she wants everything to be provided. Patient’s identification with any cultural, ethnic religious or other groups is she is a St. Claire devotee. Support system that the patient finds significant was her family. J. Review of Systems and Physical Examination Date of Examination: January 9, 2013 PHYSICAL SYSTEMS| R. O. S. | P. E. | 1. General Status and Vital Signs| â€Å"Okay naman†| (-) fever(-) tachycardia(-) tachypnea(-) hypertension| 2. Integument (Skin, Hair, and Nails)| â€Å"Okay naman†| (+) pallor(-) skin turgor(-) edema| 3. Head and Neck| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 4. Eyes| â€Å"Okay naman, may astigmatism lang yung left eye ko†| (+) astigmatism| 5. Ears| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 6. Mouth, Throat, Nose and Sinuses| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 7. Thorax and Lungs| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 8. Breast and Lymphatic System| â€Å"Di lang ako makapag-produce ng milk kapag di pa ko kumakain†| (+) inverted nipple (-) breastmilk| 9. Heart and Neck Vessels| â€Å"Nagpapapalpitate ako minsan kapag pagod†| (+) palpitation| 10. Peripheral Vascular System| â€Å"Nagkavaricose veins na ko sa bigat ko, laging nakatayo at nung buntis pa ko ang bigat ng tyan ko†| (+) varicose veins| 11. Abdomen| â€Å"Kumikirot kasi tahi ko†| (+) pain| 12. Genitourinary| â€Å"Nagka-UTI ako nung nagbubuntis pa ko†| (+) rubra lochia(-) urinary tract infection| 13. Anus, Rectum and Prostate| â€Å"Hirap akong tumae†| (+) constipation| 14. Musculoskeletal System| â€Å"Okay naman, ngayon lang ako di makakilos ng maayos dahil masakit tahi pa ko†| (+) limited ROM| 15. Nervous System| â€Å"Okay naman†| (+) conscious| 16. Hematologic| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 17. Endocrine| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 18. Psychiatric| â€Å"Okay naman†| | How to cite Nursing Health Assessment, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cochlear Limited

Question: Discuss about the Cochlear Limited. Answer: Introduction Expanding internationally is a very big thing for every company and all the companies think of expanding globally so that they can increase there market share and earn more and more of profits. There are many problems that are being faced by the companies who plan to expand their global business as expansion is not a cup of tea for every business there are lots of researches and surveys required before a company puts its first step in any country where not even the customers but also the market is different as compared to the home country.(Marketing 91 2000) This report covers the international expansion of Cochlear Limited and the problems it faced during its expansion.(Ahlstrom 2010) Before moving towards the expansion techniques used by the Cochlear Limited the strategic analysis of the current position of the company will be carried on. The report will include the current position of the company and its international expansion. What are its success mantras along with its weakness es and what are the steps the company has taken to overcome the weaknesses. The various marketing factors that has affected the Cochlear Limited, The SWOT analysis of the company, Boston matrix and the various strategies.(Rameshan 2006) Background Cochlear Limited is a very well known company of Australia that provides the various hearing solution all over the globe. There have been many innovative solutions delivered by the company for more three decades. The Cochlear limited is a global leader that has its main focus on gaining the competitive advantage. There are various local distributors who help the company in selling its products in various other countries. The main focus company has is in providing value to its customers by the help of its products that are of very high quality and the services that are brilliant. The innovation in the Cochlear limited is focused on the better consumer experience and consistency. The company has a very well developed customer information system for delivering its products and services that match the needs and the tastes and preferences of the customers. (Philip 2014) The Cochlear limited has developed a small hearing device that helps the deaf person to hear. The company is working har d in improving its technology so that it can provide better products and services to its customers and satisfy them. It is seen that presently the Cochlear limited is mainly concerned in adopting various strategies so that it could gain competitive advantage along with sustainable growth. (Gupta 2014) Cochlear limited is considered to be a very high value added manufacturer without any established domestic market and that broke from a conventional wisdom. (COCHLEAR 2013)The current CEO of Cochlear limited is Chris Roberts who describes Cochlear Limited as a thirty-year old startup. According to the reports of the Access Economies it has been found that one out of six people in Australia are affected by hearing loss due to which the hearing loss has been increasing over the time. Also it has been estimated that this figure could increase to one in four people in Australia till the year 2050. Singapore is the country that is based upon the principles of quality, globalization, productivity and integrity. Singapore has been ranked as number one in the ease of doing the business according to the World bank as it has competitive corporate tax rates, infrastructure that includes developing knowledge economies and strategic location that is fit for expanding the exports to the various As ian Pacific regions. For the better identification of the strategies that are used by the company from time to time it becomes very important to know external as well as the internal environment of the company. Various strategic tools like Porters Five Forces Model, PESTLE analysis and value chain analysis have been used for the development of the strategies of the Cochlear(Utkarsh 2015). This assessment shall be responsible for the evaluation of the competitive position of Cochlear limited along with the attractiveness of the company with Singapore as a place for conducting its business and sustaining various advantages and making various recommendations that may concern the implementation of the different global strategies. Company Analysis PEST Analysis The PEST analysis helps in analysis the four macro environmental elements of Cochlear limited so that a better understanding of the external environment of the company can be known. Political Factors: The political factors are the factors that refer to the intervention of a government in the business, policies and the economy. The government of a particular nation impacts the infrastructure, health, and economy of a particular company. As Cochlear limited carries out its operations in various other countries so it becomes very important for Cochlear Limited to align itself to the laws and legislations of every country. (Nelson and Smith 2007)There is lots of political stability in Singapore that has a positive impact on the business of the Cochlear limited. Also the proper tax planning in Singapore helps in boosting the economy. Much of the value is given to the medical regulatory implications in the Singapore that can affect the growth positions of the Cochlear limited in Singapore. All these factors need to be considered while the Cochlear Limited develops its strategies.(Vandenabeele 2006) Economic Factors: Singapore economy is a great economy. The economy of Singapore has great infrastructure facilities. The trade is strong in Singapore due to its transparent business environment due to which number of investors gets attracted towards the economy of Singapore. The strength of the Singapore economy has proved out to be very advantageous for the business operations of the Cochlear Limited. Moreover it can be seen that the Cochlear Limited has been operating in various countries that has robust and stable economy like Germany, France, United Kingdom and Switzerland. Social Factors: The main impact on the strategic design of the business is of the social factors. If we analyze the social structure of Singapore than it can be found that the population of the Singapore has been growing at a very fast pace which is a very positive sign for the business of Cochlear Limited. The industry to which the Cochlear limited belongs is the medical technology that is also growing at a high pace so that it can provide better services to the growing population of the Singapore. Technological factors: Technology has a very vital role to play in the industry of Cochlear Limited as the advancement of technology helps in the production of new and innovative products. Various new products for the hearing solutions have been developed due to the technological innovations. It is required that the Cochlear limited develops long term and effective hearing aids solution for the satisfactions of its customers. (Cullen 2013) If the company wants to achieve customer satisfaction that it is important that it takes in to account the technological innovation. Porters Five Forces Analysis It has been suggested by Michael E. Porter that the company shall consider the five factors that have dominance on its industry. The various factors that are outside the industry and influence the nature of the competition are included in the Porters Five Forces analysis. It was suggested by the Porter that the competition is the key to the success of every business. The intensity of the rivalry that is faced by an organization determines how the organizations give away the value created by them. The companies either pass the value to the buyer in the form of low priced products or it is absorbed by the higher costs. The Five Forces for the hearing aid industry includes: Existing market rivalry among the competitors: (HIGH) There are many competitors of Cochlear limited that are operating all over the globe and giving tough competition to the Cochlear Limited. (Patibandla 2006) As Cochlear limited is a global leader in the hearing aid solution therefore the presence of strong competitors is creating great threat on the company. Some of the biggest competitors of the Cochlear limited that are operating in the market are Resound, Beltone, Oticon, Sonic, Phonak, Advanced Bionics, Starkey etc. All the competitors have adopted advanced technology so that they can innovate new products and deliver life time solutions to the hearing loss of its customers. There has been tough challenge given to the Cochlear Limited who has the global presence. For gaining the substantial growth it is required that the company adapts new technology so that it can reach the potential customers. So, here it can be concluded that there is high competition in the cochlear implant industry. Bargaining Power of the Buyers: (HIGH) There has been various implant mechanisms that have been developed by the Cochlear Limited through its intensive research and development. One of the major factors for developing high tech products is the technological advancements. There is a great growth of the medical technology industry due to rapid technological innovations. There is high bargaining power of suppliers as the number of suppliers for the Cochlear limited is less who is responsible for providing innovative products to the company. The suppliers have great power to dominate the market as they are limited. It is advisable that Cochlear limited maintains healthy relations with its suppliers. (Cullen 2013)Moreover the company shall choose the suppliers in a manner that the quality of the companys products is not hampered. It can be concluded from the analysis that the bargaining power of the suppliers is high. Bargaining Power of the Buyers: (LOW) The demand and the supply of the products decide the bargaining power of the customers. According to the reports of the World Health Organization it has been found that the demand fulfilled by the hearing aid solution is only 10% of the actual global requirement. So here the layman can imply that the demand is high as compared to its supply. The company needs more time and aid to meet the global need of the hearing aids. The number of customers who are in need of the hearing aid is significantly higher as and when compared to the production of the product the customer power is very low. So, here it can be concluded that the bargaining power of the customers is very low that has a positive impact on the Cochlear limited. Threats of New Entrants: (LOW) Medical industry requires a lot of capital and hence it is a capital intensive industry therefore this industry creates various barriers for the new entrants. The RD expenditure that is required in this industry is very high due to which the new entrants cannot attain economies of scale. Hence it is considered to be the major barrier for the organization for starting its venture. The other reason is that the global leaders who are operating in this industry have already been able to achieve the loyalty of the customers along with the economies of scale. The market leader have high profitability due to which they are able to invest huge amounts in there research and development so that they can bring new and innovative products in the market. Thus it can be said that the existing leaders can gain competitive advantage if they put themselves in to continuous improvements. Here, it can be concluded that the threat of new entrants in this industry is very low. Threats of substitute products: (LOW) The main purpose of the Cochlear Limited is to provide lifetime solutions to the hearing problems. The substitute for the cochlear implant is external hearing aid, but this product does not provide long term solution to the hearing loss problem and the deafness is not cured completely by this product. At present no solution is available that can cure the deafness completely on the long run. The company need not focus on its substitute products. Hence, it can be said that the substitute products availability for the cochlear limited is low as there is no substitute found for this industry so far. Strategic Positioning: These days the concept of positioning is applied by the various companies extensively in the various emerging markets. After the company has decided the target market or the segment market the next step that the company is required to take is deciding on how the product should be perceived in the consumers mind. Positioning as defined by Trout and Ries (1969) as the strategy for staking out turf or filling a slot in the mind of the target customers. (Annoymous 2008)There is no relation of the positioning with the product rather the main relation of the positioning is with what the marketer does with the target customer. Positioning is basically a two step process in which the first step involves clarifying which product shall be compared to. (Piercy 2008)And in the second step the differentiating characteristics of the brand are identified and communicated. Under the strategic positioning the future position of the organization is invented on the ground of the present and the predict able exploitations and then various programs are constructed for realizing that positioning. The positioning of the organization can be identified by SWOT analysis and the BCG matrix (Boston Consultation Group). The cash cow that is the high market share of the company and the low market share is identified by the BCG matrix. Whereas the Dogs are the low market share and the low growth. Stars show the companies which have high growth as well as high market share that includes the companies. Country Entry Analysis Singapore- The Economist Model According to the latest reports of the World Bank it has been found that the Singapore is the high-income economy. Singapore has a gross national income of $55,150 per capita as of the year 2014 according to the ATLAS method. It has one of the most business friendly regulatory environments for the various local entrepreneurs and it has also been ranked as the worlds most competitive economies.(World bank 2016). The company has a stable political system that has a track record of flexible and sound economic policies. Singapore-Market Potential Index Each year the market potential index is published by the globalEDGE so that the market attractiveness for the international business can be known. The detailed ranking of the 26 emerging countries is known through the market potential index. There are several dimensions on which the emerging markets are ranked that allow various appropriate strategies that can be developed for each country.(Pennisi 2013). There was a fall in the city state economy in the year 2015 and the insolvencies increased by +17 % in the year 2015.(G 2013) Recommendations Country Entry Mode There are various entry modes that a company can use to enter a particular country. Some of the entry modes includes licensing, Franchising, Exporting, Joint-ventures, wholly owned subsidiary and Acquisition. The company shall go through the various pros and cons of the different entry modes and decide which entry mode it shall use to enter a specific country. Structure Exporting Pros Cons Leverage brand in new markets Permits Gradual Market Entry Less financial Exposure Various Tariffs and trade barriers Conflict with the distributors Lack of control over marketing Licensing Pros Cons Low cost to access markets Avoid tariffs and other trade Give up control Dependency on the Licensee Franchising Pros Cons Low Financial Risks More control Franchisee have knowledge of local markets Dependency on the franchisee Conflict with franchisee May be it creates future competitor Acquisition Pros Cons Increase market power Overcome barriers entry High cost Integration difficulties Wholly Owned Subsidiary Pros Cons Maintain control over operations Strong protection of technology High investment Difficulties in speed and knowledge By going through the various pros and cons of the different entry modes it can be concluded that the best method of entry of Cochlear Limited in Singapore is Franchisee and exporting through which it can have its control over the company and the competition chances can also be minimized. Degree of Centralization There is a high degree of centralization for the Cochlear limited as it is a market leader with less number of competitors. It enjoys the position of the leader and attains profitability. The company has attained the loyalty of the customers due to which the customers prefer buying the products of the Cochlear limited rather than any other company. International HR practices One of the major strength that Cochlear limited has at its disposal is its employees. There are various employees from different departments like the sales department, marketing, research and development who work in collaboration to produce new and innovative products. The Cochlear limited practices various international HR practices and makes its employees capable of competing in the international market. Customization for local market There are lots of diagnostic techniques that are available in the local market and help in the growth of the Cochlear limited. The company needs to expand its research needs in order to expand the needs of the developing countries. Conclusion Hearing solutions to more than 2,50,000 people have been provided by the Cochlear Limited all over the globe. The main aim of the Cochlear limited is not just providing the products but also providing quality services to its customers. The company enjoys competitive advantage as it provides high quality services to its customers. A lifelong partnership has been formed by Cochlear limited. The company has gained leadership position in the market. The company understands the unique strategy by understanding the problems of the customers.(R. Griffin 2015)The company can take the help of various strategic theories and tools to be a successful player in the market, like the BCG matrix or the Ansoffs Product market matrix. The company can use either of these factors so that it can expand its business in a smooth and effective manner. Proper and effective strategic planning is required for an organization to be successful in running its business. Here, it can be concluded that the company can get in to international business and start its operations in Singapore as it has lots of scope for this. The population is increasing at a high pace in Singapore that has given lots of opportunities for the company like Cochlear Limited and hence the company has great growth opportunities available in the market of Singapore. Bibliography Ahlstrom, David, and Garry D Bruton. International Management. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning., 2010. Annoymous. "Outlook Business - 8 Mar 2008." Magazine Vol. 3 (2008): no.5. COCHLEAR. Annual Report. 2013. Cullen, John. Multinational Management - Page 290. 6th. Washington, 2013. G, Prasad. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications, 2013. Griffin, Ricky. Management - Page 226. 2016. Griffin, Ricky. Fundamentals of Management - Page 81. 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