Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Commonly Confused Words Board and Bored

The words board and bored are homophones: they sound the same but have different meanings. Definitions The noun board refers to a piece of sawed lumber, a flat piece of material (such as a chalkboard), or a table spread with a meal. Board can also mean a group of persons having managerial or advisory responsibilities (such as a board of directors). As a verb, board (up) means to cover with boards or to enter. Bored is the past tense of the verb bore, which means  to dig or to cause or feel boredom. This word pair is like hopping and hoping in that the two words are close to the same in spelling. However, board and bored are homophones and hopping and hoping are pronounced differently. Also see the idiom alerts below. Examples Wilbur walked up to the fence and saw that the goose was right--one board was loose. He put his head down, shut his eyes, and pushed. The board gave way.(E.B. White, Charlottes Web, 1952)On the third day, Winston went into the vestibule of the Records Department to look at the notice board.(George Orwell,  Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1949)If you use coins to board a bus and need to transfer to another line, request a free transfer slip.In 1953 the house was vacated entirely; nobody even bothered to cover the furniture or  board the windows  and doors.(April L. Ford, The Poor Children. Sante Fe Writers Project, 2012)With an auger, he bored a hole through the slab, down past the cross-beam. Idiom Alerts The expression above board means honest, open, legitimate.The rules are meant to crack down on tax avoidance by multinational companies and ensure that they are  above-board  in how they account for their taxes around the world.(Raphael Minder, Spanish Companys Moves in Ireland Hit Tax and Political Hot Buttons. The New York Times, November 2, 2015)The expression on board means on or in a ship, train, or other form of transportation. On board also means in agreement or part of a team or group.- Every one of them stared at me when I climbed  on board the bus, and not with a kind look either.(Ellen Airgood, Prairie Evers. Penguin, 2012)- Sharon sensed that the social work staff  was on board with  the new program, but the nurses seemed more anxious, thinking of patients who were not responsive, who had to be completely cared for and were not able to make decisions or choices.(Terry A. Wolfer and Vicki M. Runnion,  Dying, Death, and Bereavement in Social Work Practice. Colum bia University Press, 2008)The expression bored to tears means to be (or to make someone) very bored. The expressions bored silly, bored stiff, bored to death, bored to distraction, and bored out of ones mind all have essentially the same meaning of being extremely bored.- Although we all try to predict or anticipate what will happen next (in literature, as well as in life), if we were actually able to accomplish this, wed be  bored to tears, uninterested in the eventual outcome.(Stephanie Stiles,  From Huh? to Hurray!: Righting Your Creative Writing. University Press of America, 2010)-  I think Antonio was bored to death, but he pretended to pay attention.(Lorna Barrett, Sentenced to Death, 2011)- I wasnt exactly in the habit of doing crosswords, but I was getting a little desperate for entertainment.  After five days in Lake Phoenix, I was officially  bored out of my mind. And the worst part was that in this situation, unlike family vacations or Gelseys dance recitals, I couldnt complain to anyone that I was  bored out of my mind  and know they were feeling the same way.(Morgan Matson,  Second Chance Summer. Simon Schuster, 2012) Practice (a) Some form of identification is needed to _____ a plane or gain access to a computer network. (b) A chisel can split a _____ lengthwise but not across the grain. (c) Children have a way of getting into trouble when theyre _____. Answers (a) Some form of identification is needed to  board  a plane or gain access to a computer network.(b) A chisel can split a  board  lengthwise but not across the grain.(c) Children have a way of getting into trouble when theyre  bored.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Math Midterm Essay - 1003 Words

Deterministic techniques assume that no uncertain exists in model parameters. A: True An inspector correctly identifies 90% of the time. For the next 10 products, the probability that he makes fewer than 2 incorrect inspections is .736. A: Use Binomial table to discover , add 3 probabilities for 0,1,2 A continuous random variable may assume only integer values within a given interval. A: False A decision tree is a diagram consisting of circles decision nodes, square probability nodes and branches. A: False A table of random numbers must be normally distributed and efficiently generated A: False Simulation results will always equal analytical results if 30 trials of the simulation have been conducted. A: False Data cannot†¦show more content†¦A: .01 Coefficient of determination is the percentage of the variation in the _ variable that results from the _ variable. A: Dependent/independent In exponential smoothing the closer alpha is to _ the greater the reaction to the most recent demand. A: _ is a linear regression model relating demand to time. A: linear trend _ is a measure of the strength of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. A: Double check definition possibly coefficient of determination or correlation Consider the following graph of sales: which of the following characteristics is exhibited by the data: A: trend plus seasonal Which of the follow characteristics is exhibited by the data A: None of the above _ is the difference between the forecast and actual demand A: forecast error Given the following data on number of pints of ice cream sold at a local ice cream store for a 6 month period time frame: If the forecast for period 5 is equal to 275 use exponential smoothing a to compute a forecast period 7. THe Drying rate in an industrial process is dependent on many factors and varies according to the following distribution. Compute the drying time. Use two places after the decimal. A: takes values of variable and multiply with the relative frequency then add them up to get answer. Life insurance company †¦. With a mean of 68 years and a standard deviation of 4 years. What proportion of the plan recipients would receive payments beyond age 75?Show MoreRelatedThe Dark And Despair Of A Math Midterm-1724 Words   |  7 Pages Veronica had clawed her way out of the dark and despair of a math midterm- she deserved a few minutes of after-school peace with her dog and the pacific ocean, she thought. It’s unfathomable that some people don’t have access to the beach. Her mind conjured up one of her worst conscious nightmares- her, older, married with brats, living in some midwestern state where beaches were things of myth and corn was all but currency. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Nursing Health Assessment Free Essays

DE LA SALLE HEALTH SCIENCES INSTITUTE COLLEGE OF NURSING AND SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY CITY OF DASMARINAS, CAVITE NURSING HEALTH ASSESSMENT Submitted by: Andrea Antonette D. Balboa Submitted to: Rowena Cepeda-Laigo, RN, MAEd NURSING HEALTH ASSESSMENT I. Status Post Caesarean Section II. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Health Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now HEALTH HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A. Demographic (Biographical Data) Client’s initials: R. R. P. Gender: Female Age, Birthdate and Birthplace: 34, 10/21/1978, Muntinlupa Marital (Civil) Status: Married Nationality: Filipino Religion: Roman Catholic Address and Telephone Number: Blk 5 Lot 54 Greengate Imus Cavite Educational Background: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Occupation (usual and present): Encoder Usual Source of Medical Care: PhilHealth Date of Admission: 01/08/2013 B. Source and Reliability of Information The patient was competent to provide information. She was able to speak clearly; conscious and coherent; oriented to time, place and person. The patient’s chart was also included as a secondary source of information C. Reasons for Seeking Care 1. â€Å"Inadequate size of pelvis† 2. â€Å"Scheduled for caesarean section† D. History of Present Health The expected date of the delivery was January 8, 2013, 8:00AM at St. Paul Hospital. It was a scheduled caesarean section of the patient; not in labor. The patient was calm since it was her second time to deliver a fetus through caesarean section. There were no signs and symptoms of labor happened. The patient foresees to stop adding a family member because they already have a son and a daughter. E. Past Medical History or Past Health a. Pediatric / Childhood / Adult Illnesses The patient did not have any pediatric, childhood or adult illnesses. b. Injuries or Accidents The patient did not have any injuries or accidents. c. Hospitalization and Operations The patient had a caesarean section last 2006, 2007 and 2013. d. Reproductive History The patient had her menarche at the age of 12. Her last menstrual period was April 27, 2012. Her menstrual cycle was 28 days and her menstrual duration was 3 to 4 days. Her obstetric score was G3P2 T2P0A1L2M0. e. Immunization BCG: /? / At Birth /? / School Entrance DPT: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose OPV: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose AMV: /? / TT: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose /? 4th dose /? / 5th dose HBV: /? / 1st Dose /? / 2nd dose /? /3rd dose Others: None f. Allergies /? / Food, (please specify): Shrimp / / Drugs or medications, (please specify): None / / Chemicals, (please specify): None / / Other environmental allergens, (please specify): None The patient has an allergy in shrimps. The patient experiences hives as an allergic reaction and applies an anti-allergy prescribed by her dermatologist to alleviate the manifestation. g. Medications None G. Socio-Economic History FAMILY MEMBER /RELATIONSHIP TOPATIENT| OCCUPATION /SOURCE OF INCOME| MONTHLY INCOME| R. R. P. | Encoder| P22,000. 00| The patient works as an encoder. The monthly income of P22,000. 00 can only support the basic needs of the family but not particularly of members’ health. It will be not enough and budgeted exclusively for the necessities of the family. H. Psychosocial Assessment Patient’s Age: 34 years old Developmental Stage: Young Adulthood Developmental Task: Intimacy vs Isolation Occurring in young adulthood, we begin to share ourselves more intimately with others. We explore relationships leading toward longer term commitments with someone other than a family member. Successful completion can lead to comfortable relationships and a sense of commitment, safety, and care within a relationship. Avoiding intimacy, fearing commitment and relationships can lead to isolation, loneliness, and sometimes depression. Patient met the developmental task of being in an intimate relationship with her partner. They are married and have 2 kids. I. Functional Assessment 1. Health-Perception-Health Management Pattern The patient’s description of her current health was weak and difficult to get pregnant. The activities that the patient does to improve or maintain his health was to not get over time in work. Patient’s knowledge about links between lifestyle choices and health was not answered. The extent of patient’s problem on financing health care was hopefully the budget will fit. Patient has the knowledge of the names of current medications she was taking and their purpose. Activities that the patient does to prevent problems related to allergies was to apply an anti-allergy prescribed from her dermatologist. Patient has the knowledge about medical problems in the family. There were no important illnesses or injuries in the patient’s life. 2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern The patient’s nourishment was to eat fruits and vegetable. Patient’s food choices in comparison with recommended food intake were not answered. The patient has no any disease that affects nutritional-metabolic function. 3. Elimination Pattern The patient’s excretory pattern was constipated. The patient has no any disease of the digestive system, urinary system or skin. 4. Activity-Exercise Pattern The patient’s description of his weekly pattern of activities, leisure, exercise and recreation was to eat outside and considers it as a family bonding. The patient has no any disease that affects his cardio-respiratory and/or Muscoskeletal systems. 5. Sleep-Rest Pattern The description of the patient’s sleep-wake cycle was completed of 8 hours. Patient’s physical appearance was relaxed. 6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern The patient has sensory deficit of astigmatism and was not corrected. Patient’s has the ability to express herself clearly and logically. Patient’s education was bachelor’s degree of computer science. The patient has no any disease that affects mental or sensory function. Patient’s pain description was of abdominal because of surgical procedure of caesarean section. 7. Self-Perception-Self Concept Pattern There was no unusual about the person’s appearance. The patient was comfortable with her appearance, simple but comfortable. Description of the patient’s feeling state was happy, comfortable because she already has a baby boy and a girl. She was worried about their financial needs because of the added family member. 8. Role Relationship Pattern Patient’s description of his various roles in life was to be a responsible mother. Positive role model of her roles was her mother, to save for family but she is more of disciplinarian than her mother. Important relationships at present were her family. There were no big changes in role or relationship. . Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern Patient’s satisfaction with her situation related to sexuality was good. If both of them were tired, they don’t do sexual intercourse. The patient’s plans and experiences did not matched regarding having children because everything changed and she was more matured than before. 10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern Patient’s means/actions of coping with problems were there must be a goal for her to achieve. Coping actions help even though the goal was partially met as long as it was met. Eat, sleep and hang out were treatments/therapies for emotional distress. 1. Value-Belief Pattern Principles that the patient learned as a child which are still important to her was she does not want shortage, she wants everything to be provided. Patient’s identification with any cultural, ethnic religious or other groups is she is a St. Claire devotee. Support system that the patient finds significant was her family. J. Review of Systems and Physical Examination Date of Examination: January 9, 2013 PHYSICAL SYSTEMS| R. O. S. | P. E. | 1. General Status and Vital Signs| â€Å"Okay naman†| (-) fever(-) tachycardia(-) tachypnea(-) hypertension| 2. Integument (Skin, Hair, and Nails)| â€Å"Okay naman†| (+) pallor(-) skin turgor(-) edema| 3. Head and Neck| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 4. Eyes| â€Å"Okay naman, may astigmatism lang yung left eye ko†| (+) astigmatism| 5. Ears| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 6. Mouth, Throat, Nose and Sinuses| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 7. Thorax and Lungs| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 8. Breast and Lymphatic System| â€Å"Di lang ako makapag-produce ng milk kapag di pa ko kumakain†| (+) inverted nipple (-) breastmilk| 9. Heart and Neck Vessels| â€Å"Nagpapapalpitate ako minsan kapag pagod†| (+) palpitation| 10. Peripheral Vascular System| â€Å"Nagkavaricose veins na ko sa bigat ko, laging nakatayo at nung buntis pa ko ang bigat ng tyan ko†| (+) varicose veins| 11. Abdomen| â€Å"Kumikirot kasi tahi ko†| (+) pain| 12. Genitourinary| â€Å"Nagka-UTI ako nung nagbubuntis pa ko†| (+) rubra lochia(-) urinary tract infection| 13. Anus, Rectum and Prostate| â€Å"Hirap akong tumae†| (+) constipation| 14. Musculoskeletal System| â€Å"Okay naman, ngayon lang ako di makakilos ng maayos dahil masakit tahi pa ko†| (+) limited ROM| 15. Nervous System| â€Å"Okay naman†| (+) conscious| 16. Hematologic| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 17. Endocrine| â€Å"Okay naman†| | 18. Psychiatric| â€Å"Okay naman†| | How to cite Nursing Health Assessment, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Cochlear Limited

Question: Discuss about the Cochlear Limited. Answer: Introduction Expanding internationally is a very big thing for every company and all the companies think of expanding globally so that they can increase there market share and earn more and more of profits. There are many problems that are being faced by the companies who plan to expand their global business as expansion is not a cup of tea for every business there are lots of researches and surveys required before a company puts its first step in any country where not even the customers but also the market is different as compared to the home country.(Marketing 91 2000) This report covers the international expansion of Cochlear Limited and the problems it faced during its expansion.(Ahlstrom 2010) Before moving towards the expansion techniques used by the Cochlear Limited the strategic analysis of the current position of the company will be carried on. The report will include the current position of the company and its international expansion. What are its success mantras along with its weakness es and what are the steps the company has taken to overcome the weaknesses. The various marketing factors that has affected the Cochlear Limited, The SWOT analysis of the company, Boston matrix and the various strategies.(Rameshan 2006) Background Cochlear Limited is a very well known company of Australia that provides the various hearing solution all over the globe. There have been many innovative solutions delivered by the company for more three decades. The Cochlear limited is a global leader that has its main focus on gaining the competitive advantage. There are various local distributors who help the company in selling its products in various other countries. The main focus company has is in providing value to its customers by the help of its products that are of very high quality and the services that are brilliant. The innovation in the Cochlear limited is focused on the better consumer experience and consistency. The company has a very well developed customer information system for delivering its products and services that match the needs and the tastes and preferences of the customers. (Philip 2014) The Cochlear limited has developed a small hearing device that helps the deaf person to hear. The company is working har d in improving its technology so that it can provide better products and services to its customers and satisfy them. It is seen that presently the Cochlear limited is mainly concerned in adopting various strategies so that it could gain competitive advantage along with sustainable growth. (Gupta 2014) Cochlear limited is considered to be a very high value added manufacturer without any established domestic market and that broke from a conventional wisdom. (COCHLEAR 2013)The current CEO of Cochlear limited is Chris Roberts who describes Cochlear Limited as a thirty-year old startup. According to the reports of the Access Economies it has been found that one out of six people in Australia are affected by hearing loss due to which the hearing loss has been increasing over the time. Also it has been estimated that this figure could increase to one in four people in Australia till the year 2050. Singapore is the country that is based upon the principles of quality, globalization, productivity and integrity. Singapore has been ranked as number one in the ease of doing the business according to the World bank as it has competitive corporate tax rates, infrastructure that includes developing knowledge economies and strategic location that is fit for expanding the exports to the various As ian Pacific regions. For the better identification of the strategies that are used by the company from time to time it becomes very important to know external as well as the internal environment of the company. Various strategic tools like Porters Five Forces Model, PESTLE analysis and value chain analysis have been used for the development of the strategies of the Cochlear(Utkarsh 2015). This assessment shall be responsible for the evaluation of the competitive position of Cochlear limited along with the attractiveness of the company with Singapore as a place for conducting its business and sustaining various advantages and making various recommendations that may concern the implementation of the different global strategies. Company Analysis PEST Analysis The PEST analysis helps in analysis the four macro environmental elements of Cochlear limited so that a better understanding of the external environment of the company can be known. Political Factors: The political factors are the factors that refer to the intervention of a government in the business, policies and the economy. The government of a particular nation impacts the infrastructure, health, and economy of a particular company. As Cochlear limited carries out its operations in various other countries so it becomes very important for Cochlear Limited to align itself to the laws and legislations of every country. (Nelson and Smith 2007)There is lots of political stability in Singapore that has a positive impact on the business of the Cochlear limited. Also the proper tax planning in Singapore helps in boosting the economy. Much of the value is given to the medical regulatory implications in the Singapore that can affect the growth positions of the Cochlear limited in Singapore. All these factors need to be considered while the Cochlear Limited develops its strategies.(Vandenabeele 2006) Economic Factors: Singapore economy is a great economy. The economy of Singapore has great infrastructure facilities. The trade is strong in Singapore due to its transparent business environment due to which number of investors gets attracted towards the economy of Singapore. The strength of the Singapore economy has proved out to be very advantageous for the business operations of the Cochlear Limited. Moreover it can be seen that the Cochlear Limited has been operating in various countries that has robust and stable economy like Germany, France, United Kingdom and Switzerland. Social Factors: The main impact on the strategic design of the business is of the social factors. If we analyze the social structure of Singapore than it can be found that the population of the Singapore has been growing at a very fast pace which is a very positive sign for the business of Cochlear Limited. The industry to which the Cochlear limited belongs is the medical technology that is also growing at a high pace so that it can provide better services to the growing population of the Singapore. Technological factors: Technology has a very vital role to play in the industry of Cochlear Limited as the advancement of technology helps in the production of new and innovative products. Various new products for the hearing solutions have been developed due to the technological innovations. It is required that the Cochlear limited develops long term and effective hearing aids solution for the satisfactions of its customers. (Cullen 2013) If the company wants to achieve customer satisfaction that it is important that it takes in to account the technological innovation. Porters Five Forces Analysis It has been suggested by Michael E. Porter that the company shall consider the five factors that have dominance on its industry. The various factors that are outside the industry and influence the nature of the competition are included in the Porters Five Forces analysis. It was suggested by the Porter that the competition is the key to the success of every business. The intensity of the rivalry that is faced by an organization determines how the organizations give away the value created by them. The companies either pass the value to the buyer in the form of low priced products or it is absorbed by the higher costs. The Five Forces for the hearing aid industry includes: Existing market rivalry among the competitors: (HIGH) There are many competitors of Cochlear limited that are operating all over the globe and giving tough competition to the Cochlear Limited. (Patibandla 2006) As Cochlear limited is a global leader in the hearing aid solution therefore the presence of strong competitors is creating great threat on the company. Some of the biggest competitors of the Cochlear limited that are operating in the market are Resound, Beltone, Oticon, Sonic, Phonak, Advanced Bionics, Starkey etc. All the competitors have adopted advanced technology so that they can innovate new products and deliver life time solutions to the hearing loss of its customers. There has been tough challenge given to the Cochlear Limited who has the global presence. For gaining the substantial growth it is required that the company adapts new technology so that it can reach the potential customers. So, here it can be concluded that there is high competition in the cochlear implant industry. Bargaining Power of the Buyers: (HIGH) There has been various implant mechanisms that have been developed by the Cochlear Limited through its intensive research and development. One of the major factors for developing high tech products is the technological advancements. There is a great growth of the medical technology industry due to rapid technological innovations. There is high bargaining power of suppliers as the number of suppliers for the Cochlear limited is less who is responsible for providing innovative products to the company. The suppliers have great power to dominate the market as they are limited. It is advisable that Cochlear limited maintains healthy relations with its suppliers. (Cullen 2013)Moreover the company shall choose the suppliers in a manner that the quality of the companys products is not hampered. It can be concluded from the analysis that the bargaining power of the suppliers is high. Bargaining Power of the Buyers: (LOW) The demand and the supply of the products decide the bargaining power of the customers. According to the reports of the World Health Organization it has been found that the demand fulfilled by the hearing aid solution is only 10% of the actual global requirement. So here the layman can imply that the demand is high as compared to its supply. The company needs more time and aid to meet the global need of the hearing aids. The number of customers who are in need of the hearing aid is significantly higher as and when compared to the production of the product the customer power is very low. So, here it can be concluded that the bargaining power of the customers is very low that has a positive impact on the Cochlear limited. Threats of New Entrants: (LOW) Medical industry requires a lot of capital and hence it is a capital intensive industry therefore this industry creates various barriers for the new entrants. The RD expenditure that is required in this industry is very high due to which the new entrants cannot attain economies of scale. Hence it is considered to be the major barrier for the organization for starting its venture. The other reason is that the global leaders who are operating in this industry have already been able to achieve the loyalty of the customers along with the economies of scale. The market leader have high profitability due to which they are able to invest huge amounts in there research and development so that they can bring new and innovative products in the market. Thus it can be said that the existing leaders can gain competitive advantage if they put themselves in to continuous improvements. Here, it can be concluded that the threat of new entrants in this industry is very low. Threats of substitute products: (LOW) The main purpose of the Cochlear Limited is to provide lifetime solutions to the hearing problems. The substitute for the cochlear implant is external hearing aid, but this product does not provide long term solution to the hearing loss problem and the deafness is not cured completely by this product. At present no solution is available that can cure the deafness completely on the long run. The company need not focus on its substitute products. Hence, it can be said that the substitute products availability for the cochlear limited is low as there is no substitute found for this industry so far. Strategic Positioning: These days the concept of positioning is applied by the various companies extensively in the various emerging markets. After the company has decided the target market or the segment market the next step that the company is required to take is deciding on how the product should be perceived in the consumers mind. Positioning as defined by Trout and Ries (1969) as the strategy for staking out turf or filling a slot in the mind of the target customers. (Annoymous 2008)There is no relation of the positioning with the product rather the main relation of the positioning is with what the marketer does with the target customer. Positioning is basically a two step process in which the first step involves clarifying which product shall be compared to. (Piercy 2008)And in the second step the differentiating characteristics of the brand are identified and communicated. Under the strategic positioning the future position of the organization is invented on the ground of the present and the predict able exploitations and then various programs are constructed for realizing that positioning. The positioning of the organization can be identified by SWOT analysis and the BCG matrix (Boston Consultation Group). The cash cow that is the high market share of the company and the low market share is identified by the BCG matrix. Whereas the Dogs are the low market share and the low growth. Stars show the companies which have high growth as well as high market share that includes the companies. Country Entry Analysis Singapore- The Economist Model According to the latest reports of the World Bank it has been found that the Singapore is the high-income economy. Singapore has a gross national income of $55,150 per capita as of the year 2014 according to the ATLAS method. It has one of the most business friendly regulatory environments for the various local entrepreneurs and it has also been ranked as the worlds most competitive economies.(World bank 2016). The company has a stable political system that has a track record of flexible and sound economic policies. Singapore-Market Potential Index Each year the market potential index is published by the globalEDGE so that the market attractiveness for the international business can be known. The detailed ranking of the 26 emerging countries is known through the market potential index. There are several dimensions on which the emerging markets are ranked that allow various appropriate strategies that can be developed for each country.(Pennisi 2013). There was a fall in the city state economy in the year 2015 and the insolvencies increased by +17 % in the year 2015.(G 2013) Recommendations Country Entry Mode There are various entry modes that a company can use to enter a particular country. Some of the entry modes includes licensing, Franchising, Exporting, Joint-ventures, wholly owned subsidiary and Acquisition. The company shall go through the various pros and cons of the different entry modes and decide which entry mode it shall use to enter a specific country. Structure Exporting Pros Cons Leverage brand in new markets Permits Gradual Market Entry Less financial Exposure Various Tariffs and trade barriers Conflict with the distributors Lack of control over marketing Licensing Pros Cons Low cost to access markets Avoid tariffs and other trade Give up control Dependency on the Licensee Franchising Pros Cons Low Financial Risks More control Franchisee have knowledge of local markets Dependency on the franchisee Conflict with franchisee May be it creates future competitor Acquisition Pros Cons Increase market power Overcome barriers entry High cost Integration difficulties Wholly Owned Subsidiary Pros Cons Maintain control over operations Strong protection of technology High investment Difficulties in speed and knowledge By going through the various pros and cons of the different entry modes it can be concluded that the best method of entry of Cochlear Limited in Singapore is Franchisee and exporting through which it can have its control over the company and the competition chances can also be minimized. Degree of Centralization There is a high degree of centralization for the Cochlear limited as it is a market leader with less number of competitors. It enjoys the position of the leader and attains profitability. The company has attained the loyalty of the customers due to which the customers prefer buying the products of the Cochlear limited rather than any other company. International HR practices One of the major strength that Cochlear limited has at its disposal is its employees. There are various employees from different departments like the sales department, marketing, research and development who work in collaboration to produce new and innovative products. The Cochlear limited practices various international HR practices and makes its employees capable of competing in the international market. Customization for local market There are lots of diagnostic techniques that are available in the local market and help in the growth of the Cochlear limited. The company needs to expand its research needs in order to expand the needs of the developing countries. Conclusion Hearing solutions to more than 2,50,000 people have been provided by the Cochlear Limited all over the globe. The main aim of the Cochlear limited is not just providing the products but also providing quality services to its customers. The company enjoys competitive advantage as it provides high quality services to its customers. A lifelong partnership has been formed by Cochlear limited. The company has gained leadership position in the market. The company understands the unique strategy by understanding the problems of the customers.(R. Griffin 2015)The company can take the help of various strategic theories and tools to be a successful player in the market, like the BCG matrix or the Ansoffs Product market matrix. The company can use either of these factors so that it can expand its business in a smooth and effective manner. Proper and effective strategic planning is required for an organization to be successful in running its business. Here, it can be concluded that the company can get in to international business and start its operations in Singapore as it has lots of scope for this. The population is increasing at a high pace in Singapore that has given lots of opportunities for the company like Cochlear Limited and hence the company has great growth opportunities available in the market of Singapore. Bibliography Ahlstrom, David, and Garry D Bruton. International Management. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning., 2010. Annoymous. "Outlook Business - 8 Mar 2008." Magazine Vol. 3 (2008): no.5. COCHLEAR. Annual Report. 2013. Cullen, John. Multinational Management - Page 290. 6th. Washington, 2013. G, Prasad. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications, 2013. Griffin, Ricky. Management - Page 226. 2016. Griffin, Ricky. Fundamentals of Management - Page 81. Cengagae Learning, 2015. Griffin. Fundamentals of Management - Page 78. USA: Mchiecel, Schenk., 2013. Gupta, Anuj. Marketing Strategies of Tata Motors. 2014. Kesho, Prasad. Strategic Management: Text and Cases, Second Edition. 2nd. PHI learning Pvt ltd, 2015. Marketing 91. "Marketing91." 2000. https://www.marketing91.com/swot-tata-motors/ (accessed July 27, 2016). Mellahi., Kamel. Global Strategic Management - Page 239. 3rd. Oxford University Press, 2012. Menezes, Shifra. "Tata.com." 2005. https://www.tata.com/article/inside/l3rXq2XO7pU%3D/TLYVr3YPkMU%3D (accessed July 27, 2016). Naga, A. Strategic Management - Page xviii. Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, Noida. Nelson, Rick, and Richard. Smith. "Selective Cochlear Degeneration in Mice Lacking the F-Box Protein, Fbx2, a Glycoprotein-Specific Ubiquitin Ligase Subunit." The journal of Neuroscience, 2007: 27-32. Patibandla, Nurah. "IIMB." 2006. https://tejas.iimb.ac.in/articles/31.php (accessed July 27, 2016). Paul. International Marketing - Text Cases - Page 36. 2012. Pennisi, Evan. "Globeedge." globeedge.com. May 14, 2013. https://globaledge.msu.edu/blog/post/1492/2013-emerging-market-outlook (accessed July 28, 2016). Philip, Lijee. "The Economic Times." 2014. https://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014-01-19/news/46347209_1_tata-motors-smart-city-car-karl-slym (accessed July 27, 2016). Piercy, Nigel. Market-Led Strategic Change - Page 150. 4th. Harper Collins publishers, 2008. Rameshan, P. WTO, India, and Emerging Areas of Trade: Challenges and Strategies. 2006. Schenedier, Benjamin. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Climate and Culture - Page 651. Edited by Karem Barbera. Oxford University Press, 2014. Smith, Tim. Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts . 2011. students, Thunderbird. "Thunderbird.edu." 2012. https://www.thunderbird.edu/blog/faculty/washburn/2012/04/16/tata-motor%25e2%2580%2599s-potential-for-global-success (accessed July 27, 2016). 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Friday, November 29, 2019

Oedipus Rex And Bliss Is Ignorance Essays - Oedipus The King, Operas

Oedipus Rex And Bliss Is Ignorance One of the most memorable and meaningful Socratic quotes applies well when in context of Sophocles' Theban Trilogy. "The unexamined life is not worth living," proclaims Socrates. He could have meant many things by this statement, and in relation to the play, the meaning is found to be even more complex. Indeed, the situation of Oedipus, king of Thebes, the truth of this statement is in question. Would Oedipus have been better off if he was blind to the knowledge of his birthing and the fate which was foretold to someday befall him? Truly though, his life would have been a far better and easier path had he never known about his true origins. His life in Corinth would have been long and prosperous, and Thebes would have lived on under King Laius. In fact, everyone would have been better off in the long run if Oedipus had not ventured out beyond the walls of Corinth. So is it worth living an examined life? Socrates had made this statement long after the creation of the Theban Trilogy. In the context of his own time, this was meant to imply that life must be examined and reflected upon, known and discovered by each individual philosopher to better enrich life for all. Yet in terms of Sophoclean drama, specifically Oedipus Rex, this was meant in a vastly different way. The unexamined life was one that was in the dark, unknown as to what fate lied beyond every turn and irony of living. Oedipus, up to the point in which he heard the comment in the tavern in Corinth, lived an unexamined life. To Socrates, he was an unfulfilled man, one who deserved to know more, one who not complete. However, in a much less metaphysical sense, Oedipus' life was complete, in that he had all that he needed, and was living a happy and fruitful life. As the drama progresses, he finds out more and more, learning exactly what the implications of his birth was, he suffers the fate for examining his life. So what Socrates had meant, that the life which was not rich with self exploration and reflection was not worth living, was indeed different than its application in terms of Oedipus, who's life was unexamined, yet complete. The question arises, what would life have been like, if Oedipus had not discovered his true origins? If he had stayed in Corinth, would this have ever happened? We find that indeed, we would have had no story, if not for that lone comment of a drunkard which sparked the fire of rebellion in the young prince Oedipus. He ventured out to Delphi, to pry knowledge of his background out of it, and to discover if this was indeed the truth, despite the fact that his adopted parents of Corinth had assured him of it falseness. Oedipus leaves Corinth, fulfilling the Socratic idea of the unexamined life. However, we must evaluate the eventual consequences of his actions and the implications which they possess. What becomes of his fateful journey out of Corinth leads to the downfall of an entire city and family line. If he had not murdered King Laius, the Sphinx would have never descended upon Thebes, he would have never fulfilled the prophecy, and all would have lived on in a relative peace and tranquillity. Once examining these aspects of the relationship between the quote and Oedipus Rex, we can come to a final examination of its implications. The question which was addressed, that of the value of the examined life, can be answered. Indeed, if Oedipus had not ventured beyond the protective walls of his adopted home, would anything such as what occurred in the play ever have transpired? If Oedipus had not pursued that answers to the mysteries that plagued him, despite the pleading warnings of I?casta, in fact his life would have been contented and happy. Instead, he follows the Socratic method of exploration and discovery, and proceeds down the path of pain and distraught. Was, after it was over, all worth it? We find that no, it was not. Being content and suited with what he knew of himself would have saved Oedipus and his children/siblings much agony. However, in the typical Greek tragedy, we must see his fall from grace through, which is indeed what happens. In the bliss of ignorance, much pain and difficulty is averted. For what worries does the ignorant man have? In the case of Oedipus, ignorance would have suited him fine.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Eco â€Å"Eco-Warriors† is a book that investigates the actions of environmentalists using both historical and philosophical accounts. The author of this book is Rik Scarce a sociologist at Skidmore College and he refers to the several environmental organizations in this book. This paper provides a review of Scarce’s book in the view of the effects that degradation has on the society.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on â€Å"Eco-Warriors† by Rik Scarce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Eco-Warriors† gives several accounts of how environmental activists act in the course of their spirited defense against the destruction of the earth. In this book’s edition, the author does not add new dimensions to the book but he updated his earlier work on the same topic. The book expounds on the actions of the environmentalists who are not willing to compromise on their philosophy about the ne ed to preserve the environment and the integrity of the ecology. The author hopes to make the actions of the environmental activists who break the law, and are sometimes referred to as domestic terrorists by the government easier to understand. According to the author, it is easy for onlookers to demonize environmental activists but research indicates that their actions are beneficial to the environment. The available evidence shows that ignoring the effects of the environmental degradation could have devastating effects. Therefore, classifying environmental activists as terrorists is unfortunate. It is also evident that the degradation of the environment could continue to put the environmentalists and governments on a collision path. Scarce claims that some of the organizations that continue to berate the environmental activists are responsible for degradation themselves. Consequently, if the uninformed criticisms on environmentalists continue, they will only lead to more degradati on. It is up to the society to understand the role of the environmental activists as well as their actions. This will ensure that the effects of degradation on the society are checked.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Individual Case Analysis FunTime Snacks, Inc Study

Individual Analysis FunTime Snacks, Inc - Case Study Example As things stand, the management confusedly uses e-mail, internal memo, and the company newsletter for any form of communication. In addition, the company faces uniform pricing and procurement issues which have led to some branches being profitable while others are struggling to remain in business (Crase, OKeefe and Dollery 427). And in an attempt to improve its competitive edge, Albanese and her team of executives have not properly handled the change management process. As the result, the real obstacles to change are from within the organization. After analyzing the potential positive impacts of a centralized financial reporting system, Albanese proposed functional centralization of decision-making process whereby the subsidiaries would remain in their decentralized, working locations but seek approvals from the head office when making major business decisions. For instance, significant changes of commodity prices by more than 5% and any supplies exceeding $10,000 required such reporting. On the one hand, Albanese sought to: a) limit unnecessary procurement costs and poor pricing by standardizing the processes; b) create uniformity in the business processes and uplift poorly performing branches; c) enforce a culture of personal leadership of the Chief Executive, the Chief Financial Officer and the Corporate Director of Supplier-Retailer Relationships; d) create flexibility in the organization’s business activities; e) improve quality of services by steering the company out of illegal survival tactics by some of its branches, and; lastly, f) better coordination between the headquarters and the branches in order to facilitate faster responses to market changes due to inflation and stiff competition from market rivals. Despite these brilliant centralization ideas, Fun Time Snacks would face the following challenges; a) delay in 60% of business processes whose

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Historiography of the Failures of the Late Medieval Papacy Essay

Historiography of the Failures of the Late Medieval Papacy - Essay Example Particularly, their views on the causes of the fall of the papacy between 1400 and 1800 will be reviewed and compared. Reasons Ullmann’s main position with regards to the decline of the papacy during the late Middle Ages is that it was caused by the Church’s secularization. He has provided several arguments for this position. The most important of these is the allusion to the Great Schism that culminated in 1400s as the greatest crisis in the history of papacy, which, according to him, finally sank the institution enormously in European regard, dragging the Church with it as the world watched deeply pained and scandalized with the way the Church conducted its affairs during the period. There are several underlying issues entailed in this event. And these are excellently demonstrated in the way Ullmann recounted the elections of the pope. He cited the year-long process wherein the College of Cardinals elected a pope early in the fourteenth century with such bitterness of the debates and intrigue. A French-sponsored candidate was elected and because of this the papacy was moved to France wherein six consecutive French popes ruled until 1377 when the papacy finally returned to Rome. The election of the next pope saw rioting in Rome, as people clamored for a Roman pope, fearing further French influence. Ullmann highlighted how conclave, fearing for their lives, elected an Italian, who turned out later on to be not of their liking. According to Ullmann, the Reformation is not the fundamental reason for the decline of the papal authority and power. It was the succession of individuals whose sole qualifications were their wealth and Italian social status that made the papal institution fade into the background. The series of developments afterwards would then become the height of the so-called Great Schism, which severely damaged the papacy. Several popes would hold office at the same time, with a number of Church councils asserting their power further a ggravating the situation. Ullmann identified the Fifth Lateran Council, the last medieval council that aimed to reform the Church, as one of the demonstrations by which the Great Schism has damaged the papal institution: The papacy here showed itself in perhaps its worst light: instead of insisting upon the enforcement of the law it dispensed with from the observation of these decrees. And in so doing the whole panoply of papal weapons including the plenitude of power, was invoked. In a way, the fifth Lateran Council was a conciliar swan song of the medieval papacy and the precursor of Trent in this same century.1 Meanwhile, Misner also echoed Ullmann’s position, that the Church decline as undermined by the papacy has been a consequence of the corruption of the popes. Central to this argument is the system of infallibility, which, in Misner’s view, â€Å"formed a vicious cycle in which the Roman communion had imprisoned itself without hope of escape.†2 An import ant variable must be highlighted here. Misner also believed that the papal institution and the mechanisms and systems that it entails, had, not only corrupted the personalities that held the office but also provided no means of escape or alternative for a pope to pursue reform or impose a righteous regime. He noted that the pope was merely a figurehead and instrument of the system and that the Pope’s primacy could only be sustained if he upholds a corrupt system. The corruption

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Scientific Method in Everyday Life Assignment

The Scientific Method in Everyday Life - Assignment Example According to Healthy Living magazine, one of the most effective treatments of breast cancer is through the breast removal surgery that was conducted on once Kathy Bates (Huffington, 2012). Notably, this form of breast cancer treatment is quite essential development in the breast cancer treatment. The breast removal surgery involves double mastectomy without irradiation on the cancer cells. The breast-removal surgery or the mastectomy can be conducted through two methods including preventive measure and treatment methods. According to the National Institutes of Health, the preventative measures are often conducted to persons with higher risks of developing breast cancer while persons who have been diagnosed with breast cancer are subjected to treatment (Huffington, 2012). There are numerous types of mastectomy. Application of each of mastectomy depends on the degree of the breast removal. For instance, total mastectomy means the surgical removal of the entire breast tissue including the nipple. Alternatively, radical mastectomy calls for complete breast removal including the lymph nodes and chest muscles (Huffington, 2012). Lumpectomy is an alternative beast-removal cancer treatment; however, this process preserves most parts of the breast since only tumors are removed (Huffington, 2012). These new forms of breast cancer treatments, Double Mastectomy and Lumpectomy, are quite a development in Breast Cancer since the body is not subjected to radiation that often kills healthy

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Managing individual differences

Managing individual differences Introduction: Individual differ from each other is universal fact. Both inherited and external factor are responsible in our development. It is important task for every managers and leaders to understand individual differences and also to integrate to individual and the organization, to provide a better working environment that gives job satisfaction to their employees as well as help them to achieve organizational goals. The report emphasizes on hoe individuals differ from each other in terms of values, personality and attitudes by using different academic theories such as Schwartz value theory, the big five personality theory, MBTI etc. It also reflects on diversity at workforce and its importance to create productive environment. It concludes that managers should need to balance between needs and expectations to achieve success. Literature review: Individual differences is a study of human psychology which mainly concentrates on differences or similarities among individual on different psychological aspects such as their values, personality, attitude, intelligence and interest, perception, ethnic origin. Some people have believed that their personality is heavily influenced by their hereditary characteristics and it will never change, others think the reverse. (Mullins, 2011) Organizational behaviour: According to Huczynski and Buchanan (2011) â€Å"organizational behavior has argumentative or controversial relationship with management practice.† It is the study of individual and group involves understanding, prediction and control of human behavior which helps to achieve or improve organizational performance and effectiveness (Mullins, 2011). Individual differences influencing workplace behavior Values: According to Schwartz (1992), values are based on personal and social factors, it is set of beliefs and goals that serve as guiding principles in one’s life. Values are important to individual to tend to have an effect on the types of decision they make, how they perceive their environment and their actual behaviors. This is very difficult role of managers to understand values of their co workers, a customer, their superiors or other organizations. Understanding values is critical in align organizational behavior and managing people. There are ten types of universal values and some are the values are mutually exclusive. [Source: Adapted from Clegg et.al, 2011] For example: Personality: It is the study of psychological qualities that have an influence on individuals stable aspects of behavior and internal states of mind that help explain a person’s behavior tendencies. (Clegg et.al, 2011) Independence, conscientiousness, agreeableness and self control these are the examples of personality characteristics. To understand personality and individuals behavior in organization psychologist have employed different techniques and ways of categorize the personality qualities. The big five personality traits Researchers have identified 171 traits on which individual can be ranked and then list was prepared to reduce number of traits by identifying the similarities and combining them. After the study of 171 traits only five major traits was found to be value for use in organizational situations. If managers want to achieve organizational goals then they have to concentrate on these five personality dimensions. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This tool is designed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs measures their preferences on four pairs of trait which was earlier proposed by Carl Jung in nineteenth century. This is most widely used instrument in the world. Participants are classified on four axes to determine one of 16 possible personality types such as, ENTJ Extraversion-Introversion – related to feeling energetic and comfortable. Extraversions are more energetic in group while introversion are more energetic and productive in alone. Sensing and intuiting – related to collecting information for solving problem. Thinking and feeling – based on evaluation alternatives for decision making Judging and perceiving – related to orientation of a person to the outside of the world. Attitudes According to (Arnold.et al, 2005) attitude is a tendency to think, believe or perform in a particular way toward some object. Attitudes have three components namely, feel- affective component, think – cognitive component and behave – behavioral component. In every organization each employee hold different type of attitudes than others and it helps them to get adjust to their work environment by providing interpreting things or happiness in the work. Knowledge, expressive, instrumental and ego- defensive these are the main functions of attitudes in the workplace. Many organizations conduct attitude survey, Likert techniques and questionnaires to understand values and attitudinal climate of the organization and also to analyze the views and opinions of staff members on a particular issue or on the organization itself. So, the managers make changes which will be beneficial to the organization and individual as well. Surveys can encourage to employees to get involved, management also considers employees opinions, and also provide effective communication which helps managers to achieve success. Job satisfaction: It is a positive attitude of employees has towards their job resulting from an evaluation of characteristics. It is closely related to motivation and performance. With the help of Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) managers can measured workers job satisfaction towards job and organization. Diversity in workplace: Diversity is concerned with valuing individual differences. Work place diversity means variety of differences that individual have in organization. It consists of visible and non-visible equality and differences such as, age, gender, race, personality, education background, personality and disability equality and more. The success of organization depends on individual difference and diversity which gives importance to team spirit. In the last few years been given lot of attention to managing diversity because of social attitudes changing as per the situation, all employees get equal chance to perform, develop high level skills and also for demographical changes in the organization. (Mullins, 2011) Equal opportunities to managing diversity: All workers in the organisation should get equal opportunities to perform better and manager may not treat differently one employees than other because of their religion, age, educational qualification, work experience, race, knowledge and skills and should be treat them differently on the their target achievement, better performance, appraisal. Conclusion: Individuals play important role in every organization. Above discussion provides food for thought to understand and respect individual differences and diversity to bring best in people who will help organization by increasing productivity and by providing a competitive edge. Successful managers need to achieve balance between needs and expectations to reach ladder of success. References: Huczynski A and David B (2013), Organizational behaviour, 8th edition, Pearson publication, Harrow. Clegg S, Pitsis T and Komberger M (2011), Managing and organizations: Introduction to theory into practice, 3rd Ed. SAGE publication, London. Mullins L (2011), Management and organizational behaviour, 8th edition, Pearson education, Newyork. Mazur B (2010), Cultural diversity in organizational theory and practice. Journal of Intercultural Management, Vol.2, Pg.no.5-15 Page | 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Abrams and Tintern Abbey Essay -- Essays Papers

Abrams and Tintern Abbey In his essay, "Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric," critic M.H.Abrams describes a paradigm for the longer Romantic lyric of which Wordsworth's "Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey" is an example. First, some of the poems are either identified as odes in the title, or, as Abrams states "approach the ode in having lyric magnitude and a serious subject, feelingfully meditated." (201) The narrator of "Tintern Abbey" expresses deep sensations as he views a landscape familiar from his youth, the emotions and memories evoked lead to wider moral and philosophical cogitations. The prototypical lyric, Abrams continues, "present a determinate speaker in a particularized, and usually a localized, outdoor setting." (201) Indeed, Wordsworth's title specifically identifies the site of which the narrator speaks, it is "a few miles above Tintern Abbey, on the banks of the Wye." The narrators of these poems, continues Abrams, speak in "a fluent vernacular which rises easily to a more formal speech, a sustained colloquy, sometimes with himself or with the outer scene, but more frequently with a silent human auditor, present or absent." (201) "Tintern Abbey" begins with an informal statement, a sudden "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings": "Five years have passed; five summers, with the length / Of five long winters! And again I hear / These waters" (1-3); then gradually builds to more studied speech appropriate for philosophical ruminations: "For I have learned / To look on nature, not as in the hour / Of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes / The still, sad music of humanity; / Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power / to chasten and subdue" (89-94). The narrator is speaking to a... ...e scenes of Nature shared together will be stored in their memories to draw out at a later date to be used as a sort of non-pharmaceutical anti-depressant: "Oh, then, / If solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief, / Should be thy portion, with what healing thoughts / Of tender joy wilt thou remember me, / And these my exhortations!" (143-147) Required Texts W. Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads. (1798, 1800, 1802) Ed. R.L. Brett & A.R. Jones. Routledge, 1992. William Wordsworth, The Prelude: 1799, 1805, 1850. Eds. J. Wordsworth, M.H. Abrams & S. Gill. Norton, 1979. William Wordsworth: The major Works. Ed. S. Gill. Oxford, 1984/2000 Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders. Ed. D. Kramer. Oxford, 2001. Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It. Chicago, 1989. Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age; or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer. Bantam Reprint, 2000

Monday, November 11, 2019

Content and language Essay

In this piece of coursework I will be comparing the front cover of a broadsheet and a tabloid newspaper on the day that labour won the 2001 Election. To do this I will be concentrating on three main attributes, which are design and layout, content and language. First of all I will look at how effective the design and layout of the front cover is. On my chosen tabloid, The Sun, there is of course the bright red Sun logo but even more striking is the headline, â€Å"Blair’s Back. † This headline is over double the size of The Sun logo. There is then on the left-hand side of the page a big picture of Tony Blair. Below the big heading is a sub heading which reads, â€Å"Labour romps in with epic second landslide. † Below the sub heading is a small section of text that carries on inside the paper. Overall the design and layout of this front cover is quite effective because the bold headline stands out and really hits you in the face which makes you want to buy the paper to see what the headline means. The sub heading then gives you more information, which shows that the paper is quite informative. The photograph on the front cover ads a bit of colour and life to the paper to show the reader that it isn’t a dull paper. There is also a lure at the bottom of the page that says, â€Å"See pages 2, 3, 4, 5 and 4-page pullout. † This shows the potential buyer that there is a lot more information inside the paper about the election that encourages them to buy the paper. Basically, the front cover of The Sun concentrates entirely on the election. On the other hand in my chosen broadsheet, The Times, it is a very different story. The front page of The Times doesn’t just concentrate on the election but on many other topics including things like sport. Like The Sun it has a date and price at the top of the page. The main headline reads, â€Å"Election reward for Prescott. † This is referring to the new job John Prescott will get now that Labour has been re-elected. Below that in the centre of the page is a picture of Tony Blair enjoying a day out with his family. Below that is another smaller story about the election. The headline says, â€Å"Blair forecasts further growth. † There is another smaller picture of the Blair family to the left of the headline. Below that is a completely unrelated article about Lord Archer. To the right of this story is an advertisement for Tiffany & Co. diamonds. Overall the design and layout of The Times is very effective. The main headline is bold and simple which stands out. The photographs add life and colour to the paper. The amount of text shows the buyer it is a very informative paper that will appeal to a lot of people. The second story and the advertisement shows the buyer that the paper is interested in the election but the final story shows the buyer that it is also interested in the rest of the world. There is also a lure at the bottom of The Times. It reads, â€Å"The Times Today: page 2. Crossword: p 32. Media: Times 2, p 21-25. TV & radio: Times 2, p 27-32. † This also encourages the buyer to buy because there are other things inside apart from news. The photographs on both papers are also important. In the Sun it shows a smiling Tony Blair in a shirt and tie. I think that the picture is trying to say that Tony Blair is happy to be back in office and he is going to try his hardest to make a difference. In The Times there are two photographs which show a very similar thing. Both of the photographs show Tony Blair acting very relaxed with his family. The bigger photograph was taken this year just before the election but the smaller one was taken in 1997 before the election. I think the photos are trying to say that Tony Blair is almost taking it too easy and that he thinks he has already won. The headline of a newspaper and the way it is presented is also very important. On the front cover of The Sun the headline is short, snappy, bold, big and close together. The headline reads, â€Å"Blair’s back,† which is in block capitals. The headline takes up just over half the page even though it is very short. I think the headline is trying to create the effect that Labour is back, bigger and better than ever. On the front page of The Times it is very different. The main headline on the front page is a lot smaller and less bold than the one in The Sun. It is a lot more spaced out and not as to the point as The Sun. The headline reads, â€Å"Election reward for Prescott. † The headline is in lower case writing but is bolder than the text in the article. I think the headline is trying to create the effect that if Labour win the election people involved get rewards. In other words if you work hard you will get a treat! The arguments and issues presented in the lead story are a very important part of a front page. On the front page of The Sun it is obvious straight away that The Sun is very pro Labour. You don’t even need to read the article to know this. At the top of the page there is a badge with the Labour symbol in the middle. In the article though it says, â€Å"Tony Blair powered back into No10 early today after a SECOND landslide victory. † You can see straightaway that The Sun is persuading the public that Labour deserves to be back in office. After reading the article you can also tell that The Sun does not like the Tory’s. In the article it says, â€Å"Jubilant Mr Blair crushed Tory dreams of a revival-and put William Hague’s job as Opposition leader in peril. † This is a very blunt and uncaring comment and it shows The Sun’s loyalty to Labour. In the article it also gives you all the statistics to show you by how much Labour won, as if they haven’t already! â€Å"The ITN exit poll gave Labour 417 seats. † The Sun’s article is also very brief with not much detail in it. The Times’ article though is very different. It has a very neutral attitude and it is almost being unfair to the Labour party. In the article the writer raises the issue that although John Prescott has been given a new title he has been doing that job all along. â€Å"Mr Prescott is being switched from his role as Environment Secretary to become Mr Blair’s deputy in fact as well as name. † The writer then raises the argument that John Prescott won’t be with Labour come next election. â€Å"Even so, some ministers believe it will be surprising if he stays in the Government throughout the new Parliament. † The article in this paper is a lot longer and more detailed. The language in the two newspapers is very different. This is because The Sun appeals to the working class person where as The Times appeals to the more professional classes. That is why The Times uses more sophisticated language and The Sun is very blunt and to the point.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mobile Money Transfer as an alternative product for Vodafone Group Plc

Mobile Money Transfer as an alternative product for Vodafone Group Plc The paper seeks to justify a Mobile Money Transfer (MMT) as an alternative product for Vodafone Group Plc. The company is multinational with headquarters in London. It is a leading telecommunications company based on 2011 annual revenue and subscriptions (439 million).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile Money Transfer as an alternative product for Vodafone Group Plc specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Vodafone offers information technology and mobile phone services to its customers in over sixty-five countries. In addition, Vodafone Group has 45 per cent shares in Verizon wireless. Verizon wireless is the leading mobile telecommunications company in the US. Vodafone has been chosen to implement the MMT product because of its wide customer base and its ability to set a side enough resources to implement, test, launch and market the product. Its wider customer base is important because many people across the world wil l be able to enjoy the product and its benefits (Morawczynski, 2008). MMT is an electronic product that helps the consumer to electronically send and receive money on a mobile phone. Consumers will register their simcards with Vodafone using their national IDs or pass ports. After registration, an MMT menu will be up dated on the customer’s phone. Registered customers will be able to send and receive money, pay bills, loans, and utilities and also buy air time. Customers can also access their commercial bank accounts if they register their mobile numbers with their banks. To withdraw money from a mobile account, the customer approaches an agent and initiates the transaction through an agent code. The customer and the agent then receive a message that a specific amount of money has been withdrawn. The agent then gives the customer the specified amount of money and the transaction is completed. To deposit the money in the mobile account, the customer approaches the agent with t he amount of money they want to deposit, the agent deposits the money and both receive a confirmation message (Hughes Lonie, 2007). MMT is a cheap, safe and quick way of sending and receiving money. MMT saves the customer the trouble of having to make long queues in the bank to deposit or withdraw money. Customers are also able to make instant payments for services and goods by using the MMT. The company on the other hand benefits by acquiring and retaining customers, extending the range of its products and improve relationship with consumers.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To successfully launch the product, Vodafone will hire competent IT specialists to update the main server to accommodate MMT. The company will also replace existing simcards with those that have MMT menu. Finally the company will recruit and register agents all over the country. Vodafone shoul d target supermarkets, banks and other places where people mainly handle cash. MMT is a pretty new idea and very little secondary sources of information are available. However, the company will benefit in a big way by visiting the libraries of affiliated companies like Safaricom. Their websites would provide very important information. Other sources of credible information about feasibility of mobile banking include the websites of Equity Bank Limited. The library and archive of Equity bank are also rich with information. Information on MMT can be verified by carrying out a research to reveal its practical features and sustainability. As stated earlier, MMT is a relatively new product in the market and not many people could be able to verify though it is highly implementable. The best way to verify MMT is to begin with a small pilot project carried out within the Vodafone staff. References Hughes, N. Lonie, S. (2007). M-PESA: Mobile Money for the Unbanked: Turning Cellphones into 2 4-Hour Tellers in Kenya. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization. Cape Town University, 2(2), 63–81. Morawczynski, O. (2008). Surviving in the Dual System: How M-PESA is Fostering Urban-to-Rural Remittances in a Kenyan Slum. HCC8 journal, 12 (3), 1-2.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Curious History of Bead

The Curious History of Bead The Curious History of Bead The Curious History of Bead By Maeve Maddox You may have heard the expression to draw a bead, meaning to take aim. A hunter, for example, draws a bead on the quarry. The expression, used both literally and figuratively, is popular with headline writers Connecticut gunman drew bead on bosses Kiefer Sutherland and 24 draw a bead on a feature film HP and Microsoft Draw a Bead on Cisco The bead in this expression comes from the small metal knob that forms the front sight of a gun. The word bead attached to this knob because of its resemblance to the kind of bead most of us probably think of when we hear the word: A small perforated body, spherical or otherwise, of glass, amber, metal, wood, etc., used as an ornament, either strung in a series to form a necklace, bracelet, etc., or sewn upon various fabrics. This general sense of bead derived in turn from rosary beads, the little markers strung together for the purpose of helping a worshipper count prayers. Originally, beads were not the little objects on the string, but the prayers being said. Bead in this sense is a cognate of German bitte, a word that is used to make a request. Someone praying with a rosary was said to be telling his beads, that is, counting his prayers. Another meaning of the verb to tell is to count. (The bank teller counts out your money.) Historically, wealthy patrons would pay people to pray for them on a regular basis. These professionals were called beadsmen or beadswomen. Keats begins his poem St. Agnes Eve with this evocation of a harsh winters evening: St. Agnes EveAh, bitter chill it was! †¨ The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold; †¨ The hare limpd trembling through the frozen grass, †¨And silent was the flock in woolly fold: †¨Numb were the Beadsmans fingers, while he told †¨His rosary, and while his frosted breath, †¨Like pious incense from a censer old, †¨Seemd taking flight for heaven†¦ An earlier spelling of bead was bede, from Old English gebed, prayer. The OE verb biddan meant to pray as well as to ask. By the late 14th century, the word bede/bead had attached to the objects on which the prayers were told or counted. The expression to draw a bead on is an obvious headline choice when the topic is something like gun control, Critics Draw A Bead On State House Gun Ban but I wonder if the writer who came up with this one about the popularity of rosaries with non-Catholic soldiers in Iraq realized just how clever it is: Worshippers draw bead on rosaries Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical Words50 Synonyms for "Assistant"Punctuation Is Powerful

Monday, November 4, 2019

Beling reflective about 1 article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Beling reflective about 1 - Article Example In this program, she initiated that traditional assessment measures are accompanied with additional measures, classrooms are to be differentiated, and development is enhanced through preparatory services, early intervention and parent outreach. One of Robinson's critiques is Margie K. Kitano. Kitano debunked the premises in Robinson's action plan through her paper "Gifted potential and poverty: A call for extraordinary action." Instead of saying that income level produces social inequality, she pointed at the complexity of the situation, particularly in migration, that indeed, it is almost difficult to separate the two from each other. She therefore said that undermining the importance of the racial factor would indeed "not solve society's unsolved problems." Instead also of claiming that the source of the reduction in the proportion of identified gifted but economically disadvantaged children is the negatives effects of poverty, she cited the work of Brooks-Gunn and Duncan (1997) that environmental conditions outside the family have a major impact on the quality of life of these children, and therefore this problem is rooted not on the family conditions per se, but the assessment procedures in which these children are bei ng selected.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Healthcare Service in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare Service in America - Essay Example The American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL) of 1915 was one of the legislative attempts prior to WWII that sought to get the government intervening in healthcare provision but it failed due to opposition from different quarters. The limited government involvement in healthcare provision prior to WWII is an important factor why the average American of that time was serviced poorly than American of today. This is because limited government involvement in healthcare provision Americans vulnerable to unscrupulous healthcare service providers who charged unreasonably high prices for treatment. Today, the government is deeply involved in healthcare service provision at different points of healthcare providers seeking to safeguard better service to the average American. The government regulates the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, procurement, and administration. It also monitors and regulates the provision of healthcare insurance (Dranove, 2002). The clash between interest group s The average American who lived prior to WWII was serviced poorly than today’s average American because of a clash between different interest groups. Organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) and National Physician Committee (NPC) had influence enough to oppose attempts of protecting the average American. For example, in 1932 when Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated legislation for universal health care linking it to the Social Security Act, AMA and NPC successfully opposed it.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Block 6 (Week 11&12) Cardiovascular Physiology Exercise (Lab Exercise Lab Report

Block 6 (Week 11 ) Cardiovascular Physiology Exercise ( Exercise #6) - Lab Report Example The period of time between the effective refractory period and phase 4 is the ‘relative refractory period’. The refractory period of cardiac muscle is about 250 milliseconds—almost as long as the contraction of the heart. Summation does not occur in the heart muscle contraction. The refractory period of the heart muscles is longer than that in the skeletal muscles, therefore heart twitches do not overlap and hence increased (summed) ventricular contraction is not seen. Summation would result in more powerful contraction of the ventricle causing irregular high cardiac output. Heart might find it diffult to recvoer from this ‘double-twitch’, i.e. repolarization might take a long time. This irregular pumping of heart would cause dysrhythmia. Vagus nerves are the part of para-sympathetic nervous system and act by decreasing the heart rate by direct effect on the SA and AV nodes in the heart atrium. Parasympathetic stimulation by the vagal nerve endings in the atrium results in slowing down of the heart rate and can bring the cardiac output to almost zero. Vagus nerves are parasympathetic and supply to AV and SA nodes. Parasympathetic stimulation result in decrease in the heart rate and cardiac output. Since the vagal fibers are primarily distributed in the atria, they result in a decrease in the heart rate. Decrease in the heart rate along with slight decrease in ventricular contraction can decrease the cardiac output by 50%. The cardiac muscle has inherent autorhythmicity, i.e. they can generate the contraction activity automatically. However, the un-stimulated heart beats at a much slower rate and needs continuous sypathetic stimulation to maintain the nornal heart rate, i.e. 70 pulses a minute. Also, sympathetic stimulation increases the power of the ventricular contraction to as much as double the normal, thereby increasing the volume of blood pumped and increasing the ejection pressure. The vagal nerve endings

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Coach Essay Example for Free

The Coach Essay As a group coaches are often criticized for their overemphasis on winning and their overly serious attitude toward the league experience. Most studies, however, point out that in general Little League coaches get involved for the love of the game and for the love of their participating child. Coaches that angrily shout criticism from the sidelines are not appreciated or liked as are relaxed, supportive, and knowledgeable coaches who emphasize the improvement and learning of new skills. Coaches that develop close and personal relationships with the child and her/his parents are the most likely to contribute to a positive learning experience. Coaches are first and foremost role models and teachers. Good coaching is not about producing winning teams; its about asking every day before practice or a game: Is what were planning to do today in the best interest of the kids? The best lesson a coach can teach is that playing fairly makes everyone a winner, and that: Developing Coaching Philosophy A casual observer of any little league game site will notice the excessive seriousness and tension exhibited by coaches on the sidelines. Coaches and spectating parents get very involved with their childrens game. Some fail to realize the deleterious effects of their vocal protests regarding game referee decisions or disapproval of their childs performance. Several soccer leagues that I am familiar with have on record a very appropriate league philosophy statement. These statements emphasize learning, fair play, fun, equal opportunity, etc over winning. Ironically, the same leagues use trained referees and linesmen, for example, to officiate a game between two teams comprised of nine-year-old players. Players are often assigned to positions in which they are most productive or least destructive. And, coaches, parents and players exhibit excessive celebration when a goal is scored (even when the goal resulted from a clumsy goalie error) or when a game is won. Overly formal game control, early specialization, and excessive celebrations seem incompatible with a child-centered league philosophy. Should the league experience serve best only the most talented and promising individuals at the expense of the less skilled? A typical league reality of winning first, child second, seems to prevail over the same leagues beautifully crafted philosophy statement. The stress associated with coaching a losing team stems from the distorted view that winning equals good coaching and loosing equals poor coaching. The child that is allowed to play a variety of positions will learn and progress irrespectively of her or his teams winning or loosing record. In the soccer league that I joined as assistant coach during the Fall of 1999, the head coach knew which the two best teams on the league were several weeks before kickoff. Who gets the credit for coaching these kids? Four of the kids on our nine-year-old boys team never played the game. How are they going to learn and improve if we are not going to allow them to make mistakes? Sticking to a child-centered game plan can get very tricky and involve tough decisions. A Coaching Philosophy Some coaches get turned off by the word philosophy. They cannot see how any one philosophy can have an impact on their daily problems and work. Ones teaching or coaching philosophy, however, is actually a very practical matter. An analogy to ones philosophy may be equated to a pair of glasses that filter reality through ones personal experiences, opinions, values and beliefs. It has, therefore a direct influence on how we see and understand the world around us, what actions we take, and why we choose to behave in the ways we do. In fact, every coach, whether aware of it or not, is following certain principles or his philosophy while coaching. It may seem reasonable to assume that the philosophy that directs the coachs everyday life thinking and actions would be also applied by her/him to coaching. Yet, this often seems not to be the case. For example, most coaches would agree that a less skilled child with little or no self-confidence needs special attention and time investment. Yet, who are the kids that usually get the most attention, the most playing time, the most praise? Still, let’s assume, for example, that a businessman discovered that the firm he is negotiating with was dishonest. He decides to do his business with another group despite the fact that he may end up paying more for essentially the same product. This may not sound like good business, yet many a businessman I talked to expressed willingness to stick to their principles even if it meant higher expenses. How many coaches do you know that would stick to principles of sportsmanship or fair play rather than win a game? Obviously, we can readily see a gap between what a coach may think is the right thing to do in every day life situations, and the actions he/she ends up taking on the playing field. Developing an Alternative Coaching Philosophy Dr. Rainer Martens, a world renowned sport psychologist and publisher, explains that the development of a functional coaching philosophy involves two major tasks: †¢ become a student of your own feelings and who you are? †¢ prioritize and delineate your coaching objectives †¢ Developing Self-Awareness Children are great imitators. Therefore, you are more likely to shape them into your own image than into what you would actually like them to become. The coach is a very powerful role model. This is why it is important that the coach be honest as he/she evaluates her/himself and get in touch with here/his own feelings. The coach needs to discover whether he really likes who he/she is. A quick subjective self-awareness test would be to ask oneself When I was a child, would I have liked to have my current self as a parent? As a coach? If the answer is yes, explain to yourself why you think the way you do. What is it that makes you a good parent, teacher, coach? If you realize that you do not like everything about yourself, dont panic, nobodys perfect. The key factor is not for every coach to be a perfect individual. It is crucial, however, that the coach be honest with her/himself, and willing to take the appropriate steps to change for the better. Dr. Martens suggests that one such first step would be to form an open door policy and solicit feed back from the kids, assistant coaches and the parents. This, according to Dr. Martens means that the coach needs to learn to listento be attentive to both overt and covert communication patterns. Good listening skills ensure two way communications and thus decrease the filtering effect that often distorts the true message delivered by the other party. Prioritization and Delineation of Coaching Objectives It is an indisputable fact that children are their parents and nations most precious asset. It may seem natural to assume, therefore, that the majority of adults mean well for the kids. Yet, how often do we wish something for our child, and then step back and take the time to find out whether this is what the child really wants? More often than not, adults feel they know better, and thus, exclude children from the decision making process. Youth sport, unfortunately, is a prime example of this phenomenon. In 1987 the Athletic Footwear Association in America sponsored a study of 10,000 students ages 10-18 regarding their feelings about sport. The students reacted to questions such as why they participate, why they quit, and what changes they would make in order to get involved again in a sport they dropped. The most important finding of the study was that winning, which is the most publicized and pursued goal of sports never ranked higher than seventh even among the most competitive athletes. To have fun and to improve my skills were consistently the first two choices why the students chose to play sports. When asked why they dropped from sports three of the first five reasons were I was not having fun, coach was a poor teacher, and too much pressure. How many coaches you know would have predicted this outcome? (Rainer, 1987, 3-14) Dr. Martha E. Ewing and Dr. Vern Seefeld of the Youth Sports Institute of Michigan State University who conducted the study, and Dr. Steven J. Danish, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University who added psychological and developmental interpretations proposed the following truths about children and sport: Fun is pivotal; if its not fun, young people wont play a sport (Rainer, 1987, 3-14). Skill development is a crucial aspect of fun; it is more important than winning even among the best athletes. The most rewarding challenges of sports are those that lead to self-knowledge. Intrinsic rewards (self-knowledge that grows out of self-competition) are more important in creating lifetime athletes than are extrinsic rewards (victory or attention from others). The American Youth and Sports Participation study authors proposed the following tips for coaches and parents who are willing to develop an alternative coaching philosophy: For Coaches Become a communicator (a listener and a giver of feedback). Recognize the needs of your kids and balance your needs with theirs. Develop perspective: remember what you were like at their age and what you could do then; dont judge the kids by what you can do now. Remember the truths and plan activities with them in mind. Seek out workshops and educational programs that teach not only sports-related skills but also communication and interpersonal skills that will help you work with parents and get the most out of your kids. Try to work with parents and make them part of the team rather than viewing them as critics to be avoided. Coach Development Education, as pedagogical theory so perceptively points out, is a two-way process, which means that both sides of the process have an opportunity to influence each other. Therefore, the coach can expect to be shaped by his team members’ characters and styles in a way that is no less decisive than his or her influence upon them. Realizing it may prove a challenge to many authoritative coaches, yet this impact is undeniable and should not be underestimated. However, in case of a younger team, the coach’s influence is going to exceed that of the children as they, as mentioned before, are great imitators and need a role model to follow. For this reason among others, the coach has to develop certain moral and professional qualities that will form the basis for practical application of one’s coaching philosophy. The tenets of coaching philosophy determine which exactly qualities one needs in order to develop one’s team and bring them to a victory earned in the spirit of fair play sportsmanship. In the first place, a coach has to be a superb organizer. This is the coach’s primary function in the team: to unite a disparate set of players into a coherent whole. Unity in the contest has to stem from psychological unity of the team, the much talked about team spirit. A coach in one’s philosophy has to define how important a place the team occupies in his/her activities and endeavors and what ways of achieving this unity are legitimate and effective. In team sports specifically, the value of team relationships cannot be overrated, since a victory is only a product of collective efforts and rarely a gift of luck.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Physics of a Parachute

The Physics of a Parachute The parachute is an effective tool for enhanced safety, although it is widely utilized by adrenaline seekers for enjoyment. Gravity is perhaps the most crucial force acting upon the parachute, because without which a parachute would not be needed. Gravity is applied to a mass indiscriminate of its size or shape. is the speed at which a mass will accelerate due to gravity through the air, with no opposing forces acting upon it. Air Resistance is the whole reason why a parachute works. The air is undisturbed until a mass passes through it, when that mass passes through air it is effectively the same as air flowing past a mass. When air cannot travel smoothly past a body it is called drag, when drag is applied to a mass, it slows the object and or the flow of air. When a parachute is opened, air is trapped under the fabric and is forced in a swirl in uneven patterns, when air swirls it increases drag and decreases the speed of a body. When air swirls it also reduces its efficiency, a parachute when passing through the air compromises this and depending on how large the physical size of the parachute it will slow the acceleration of the mass considerably. According to Dictionary.com, terminal velocity is the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.This means that the terminal velocity of a falling mass occurs in free fall when a zero acceleration is felt, this meant that the mass doesnt accelerate anymore because the forces, air resistance and gravity, air resistance will eventually balance the masses weight and therefore will fall at a constant rate, this is terminal velocity. More simply put, terminal velocity is the fastest velocity that an object will fall due to gravity. The equation for terminal velocity is: The physical properties of wind resistance are obvious. When the parachute is opened, the drag is significantly increased, this is due to the massively increased area that: As the size of the canopy increases, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will proportionally increase.   Ã‚   As the mass of the object increases or decreases, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will increase or decrease consecutively. If the length of the suspension lines is increased, the time taken for the parachute to reach the ground will increase to a curtain point, then level out. Variables Changes made Time (seconds) Average (seconds) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Weight 0.01kg 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.475 0.02kg 1.9 2.4 2.2 2.5 2.250 0.03kg 2.2 2.9 2.5 3.0 2.650 Radius of parachute 0.05m 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.375 0.10m 1.6 1.5 1.9 1.7 1.675 0.15m 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.8 1.600 0.20m 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.6 1.900 Firstly, a parachute was created using light cloth and string. The diagram below is a representation of the design created. Next, the appropriate mass was attached to the parachute via the suspension lines. The person was positioned on the second floor. The height of the drop was then measured, the preliminary test data was collected. The following results were obtained through experimentation: Variable Changes made Time (seconds) Average (seconds) Weight (Kilograms) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 0.005 2.03 2.25 2.22 2.34 2.21 0.01 1.96 1.98 1.88 2.04 1.97 0.01 2.07 1.85 1.83 1.75 1.88 0.02 1.32 2.04 1.41 1.53 1.58 0.025 1.42 1.50 1.47 1.46 1.46 0.03 1.56 1.25 1.03 1.41 1.31 Radius of Parachute (Metres) 0.05 2.36 2.37 2.40 2.33 2.37 0.07 2.45 2.42 2.48 2.50 2.46 0.09 2.54 2.56 2.52 2.58 2.55 0.11 2.64 2.69 2.71 2.68 2.68 0.13 2.72 2.83 2.80 2.75 2.78 Length of suspension lines (Metres) 0.05 2.20 2.52 2.58 2.62 2.48 0.07 2.25 2.25 2.24 2.16 2.23 0.09 2.48 2.45 2.10 2.28 2.32 0.10 2.35 2.27 2.45 2.52 2.40 0.12 2.56 2.31 2.23 2.34 3.36 The data was collected and has been analyzed. Patterns have been produced through the previous results. The results have shown that the mass of the object affects the speed at which the parachute falls. As the mass increases, the time shortens proportionally, this demonstrates that the relationship that occurs. The inability to access precise measuring equipment affected the results, as a consequence the results are inconsistent, although the majority of the results were close to the expected time. The As with all results, some of the above results were inconsistent. The results were as expected for the mass and the mass and the radius, the length of the suspension lines however was in consistent with the hypothesis. As the experiment progressed, it became clearer that they were References Basic Assumptions of Modern Physics Not Falsifiable. (2012, 7 13/10/2016). Retrieved from The world as computation: https://claesjohnsonmathscience.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/is-modern-physics-falsifiable/ Bourne, M. (2016, 2 29/10/2016). 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Retrieved from Hyper physics: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/newt.html Maccaster, R. (1993). Physics. London: Stanley Thornes. Richcard, W. G. (2001). New Century Physics. Melbourne : Oxford. Skwirk online education. (2013). Law of Conservation of Energy. Retrieved from Skwirk online education: http://www.skwirk.com/p-c_s-4_u-308_t-756_c-2845/law-of-conservation-of-energy/nsw/law-of-conservation-of-energy/force-and-motion/energy Teichroew, D. (1954, june 30). Statistical Analysis of Experimental Parachute Test Data. Retrieved from National Bureau of Standards : http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/RPT/nbsreport3493.pdf The Physics Classroom. (2016). Distance and Displacement. Retrieved from The Physics Classroom: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/1DKin/Lesson-1/Distance-and-Displacement Workshop Tutorials for Physics. (n.d.). Mechanics activities. Retrieved from Workshop Tutorials for Physics: http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/super/physics_tut/volume3/mechact.pdf expected for the mass and the mass and the radius, the length of the suspension lines however was in consistent with the hypothesis. As the experiment progressed, it became clearer that the